Alfaisal University Mastercam vs CAM Software Essay

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Alfaisal University


*8 pages*

*Demonstrated conceptual knowledge

*To know the types of advanced manufacturing techniques and in which conditions it can be used related to (CAM)

*An ability to understanding of different machines , processes and their application with CAM

*An ability to identify, apply and formulate knowledge with logical thinking and intuitio

*An ability to meet deadlines and demonstrate professionalism

*An ability to communicate effectively and have the ability to use IT skills in CAM programs

- Regarding other CAM software, you have to search and select one, and just describe the reason of selection.

- At the beginning briefly explain the history of CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)

- Brief the history Mastercam and the other software, which is selected for the comparisons.

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Explanation & Answer

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The modelling and the manufacturing industries are constantly advancing by adapting to new
needs and changes in industry standards. The entire market and maker community, however,
wouldn’t be anywhere if not for computer aided manufacturing (CAM). software, that are upto date.
CAM Software
CAM Software (computer Aided Manufacturing software), is a software program that utilizes
numerical control in creation of G-code that helps drive computer Numerical control machines
CAM also refers to the use a computer in ways that will assist in all operation though planning
and management
This software automates the machining processes which include drilling and cutting, thus
making it good for high quality manufacturing. The primary purpose a cam software is create a
faster process during production, tooling and precise dimension which Include use of only
required materials.
CAM borrows both the value of skilled personnel through a series of production tools, in the
process building the set skills on new Personnel through Simulation visualization tools
CAM software prepares drawing used for production; thus, some professionals refer to CAM
software as Slicer software.

Other functions of CAM Software are;
(1) Checking of error
CAM error checks by inspecting the models if they have any geometric errors which can
affect the manufacturing process whether negatively.
(2) Optimization
This is to ensure that there is maximum efficiency
(3) Tool path generationCAM software generates a set of coordinates that direct the machine to follow during the
manufacturing process.
(4) Device configuration.
These include adjusting cutting speed, voltage, and pierce height.
The moment a designer has been satisfied with the design; the CAM software sends the
information above to the Computer Numerical Control machine which physically produces the
part. CNC machines are able to read and understand the numerical code, which are normally
converted to electrical signals.
Traditionally, CAM has been deemed to be a numerical control (NC) programming tool, and its 2-D
or 3-D models of components being formed in Computer Aided Design. However, CAM does not
scrapped the need for skilled professionals such as machinists and engineers, or numerical Control


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