MG 315 PU Advanced Business Statistics Graduation Grade Average Points Essay

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MG 315

Park University



This paper must be in APA style.

To this point, you have submitted the topic, the outline and the bibliography.

In this unit, you need to submit the rough draft, as far as you have gotten, for feedback and improvement, for your final draft.

In Unit 2, you did the below: --

As preparation for the final research paper, you formulated a theory about the correlation between measurable independent variables (causes) and one measurable dependent variable (the effect). Be sure to have at least two independent variables for proposed research paper. This rough draft should include the following four items which serve as the foundation for the final research paper after instructor feedback is given.

Unit 5: 20 points (These steps total to 20 points).

Create a draft of your report including the data. This copy of the data may be in an Excel spreadsheet.

**Below is a copy of the requirements for your proposal from Unit 2.

1) Purpose Statement [20%]

In one paragraph, state the correlation and identify the primary independent variables.

State the correlation as in the following:

“The dependent variable _______ is determined by independent variables ________, _________, ________, and ________.”

Identify and defend the “primary” independent variable, or the variable believed to have the strongest impact on the dependent variable:

“The most important independent variable in this relationship is ________ because _________.”

2) Definition of Variables [20%]

For each variable, write a single definition paragraph talking about the variable. Paragraphs should be in this order: dependent variable, primary independent variable, and three independent variables.

In addition to defining the independent variables, defend why each determines the dependent variable.

For the primary independent variable, at least two research sources that discuss the variable also must be cited. These sources need not be technical documents but should contain evidence to justify the relationship between the primary independent variable and the dependent variable. List these sources in the Works Cited (reference) page.

**Note: Citations from encyclopedias, Wikipedia, blogs, abstracts, or non-governmental websites are not acceptable research sources.

3) Data Description [20%]

For each of the variables, at least 30 observations of cross-sectional data must be obtained. Thus for the final research paper, a data matrix that is at least 30 rows by numbers of variables must be presented.

In one paragraph, identify the data sources and describe the data (i.e., which government agencies supply the data, which methods are used to compile them, when they were collected, etc.).

4) Works Cited Page [20%]

The final page of the proposal should be a Works Cited page listing the two research sources for the primary independent variable and the data sources, with a separate citation for each table of data, including specific table numbers for each of the sources.

5) Data [20%]

Submit this Word File in this Canvas section for your Term Project Rough Draft, with Data.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: TERM PAPER DRAFT


Term Paper Draft
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Term Paper Draft
Purpose Statement
The dependent variable, Graduation Grade Average Points (GGAP), is determined by
independent variables Undergraduate GPA Scores (UGS), GRE scores, and Years Out of College
(YOC). The most important independent variable in this relationship is Undergraduate GPA
Scores (UGS) because they are relied upon scores for enrolling students in their various MPA
programs. The undergraduate GPA scores are believed to be a predictor of how students perform
in their future academics.
Definition of Variables
Graduation Grade Average Points (GGAP)
Graduate Grade Average point is the dependent variable in this study, which depends on
the changes in the independent variables. It is the predicted value when given all the independent
variables. With a regression model established, GGAP can be computed. In a study carried out
by Sulphey et al. (2018) about the relationship between academic achievement and admission
grades (GAT and GPA), they found that academic achievement is determined by these grades.
Hence, GGAP in this study is similar to academic achievement.
Undergraduate GPA Scores (UGS)
Undergraduate GPA scores are the most determinant for students who want to be enrolled
in their MPA programs because they form the basis of qualification. Without the minimum
required und...

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