Boston University Financial Coverage of Covid 19 Discussion

User Generated


Business Finance

Boston University


Students, financial news regarding the coronavirus and our stock market has been prevalent. After reading the corporate earnings report document in the module, pick a story to share regarding financial coverage of the coronavirus. Please post the link and your thoughts in 200 words or so regarding whether or not the coverage was good for the target audience, or why it was poor coverage. Make sure it is a news piece and not an opinion piece. You will not be able to see each others work until you make your own post. Your first attempt will be your grade post.

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This is not actually a reading assignment. It’s just a “test” to see whether you are clicking on the reading assignments on the Course Schedule. However, you do still need to answer the discussion board question. In the discussion board assignment related to this “reading” please incorporate the line (cut and paste, this is fine and not plagiarism as it is an instruction from me): The financial blow to the U.S. stock market has been heavily reported in the past few months. This must be in your original post to receive credit for this assignment. If you clicked to read this – Thank you, and … aren’t you glad?!
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Explanation & Answer

See attached😃 . Let me know if you need any edits or revisions😜



Financial Coverage of Covid-19
Course Code



Link :
In the story, CNBC has done well in concentrating on the current financial challenges
brought about by the coronavirus outbreak. The financial blow to the U.S. stock market has
been heavily reported in the past few months. It has consumed most of the attention of
numerous media houses (Gottfried, Walker, & Mitchell, 2020). At the same time, Americans
are also seeking information in this period of high uncertainty and anxiety. While the
outbreak has brought about new challenges to journalists, and in other instances, mistakes
have happened, CNBC has done a good job to present information regarding the U.S. stock
market, and the measures one can take to reduce its adverse effects.
Most media houses have shed a bad light on the economic effects on the coronavirus
outbreak. In February, President Donald Trump heavily criticized several media companies
for making the condition look worse, sparking panic and fear. Fear can spread swiftly and is
contagious, just like other emotions (Wahl-Jorgensen, 2020). It moves through communities
and groups and affects our responses to ...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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