14 questions in geography

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I have 14 questions in world geography 

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QUESTION 2 1. Which of the following includes the structural rock formation of the earth’s surface? a. atmosphere b. lithosphere c. biosphere d. hydrosphere 0.134 points QUESTION 3 1. In the ancient time, if is difficult to know the shape of the earth. Which of the following provide evidence of the earth’s shape? illumination patterns of clouds during sunset disappearances of ships below the ocean horizon. Stars rise and falls below the southern horizon as Aristotle observed. the shape of the shadow of the earth left on the Moon and the Sunduring during a lunar eclipse and solar eclipse respectively . Sun light (solar ray) moves overhead at Alexandria (Summer Solstice) and Syene at different time as Erostheness observed. 0.134 points QUESTION 4 1. Earth is an oblagated sphere because its equatorial diameter is _________ than the polar diameter. less than 1% smaller more than 5% smaller less than 1% larger more than 5% larger 0.134 points QUESTION 5 1. Which statements are true about latitude and longitude? Both latitude and longitude are linear measurement of distance on the earth's surface. Latituded is an angular distance from the Equator toward a pole, where longitude is an angular distance measured from the prime maridian or Greenwhich Maridian. Aline of latitude are called maridians while a line of longitude is called paralel. The range of latitude is between 0 -180o E & W while the range of longitude falls between 0 - 90o N & S. Difference in longitude can used to measure time difference while difference in latutude can be used to measure temperature zone (which may sound unfamiliar). 0.134 points QUESTION 6 1. Scientific method is defined as a logic explanation for a process or phenomenon that allows prediction or testing by experiment. Therefore, a scientific research or inquiry using this method usuallly include: observations with data collection hypotheses for explanation experiments or testing rejecting or confirming a hypothesis 0.134 points QUESTION 7 1. The five major themes of geographic study include: a. Location b. Place c. Region d. Spatial relationship e. Movement 0.134 points QUESTION 8 1. There are ____time zones around the world and each covers about ____degrees in longitude. a. 4 and 8 b. 12 and 12 c. 15 and 24 d. 24 and 15 e. 24 and 30 0.134 points QUESTION 9 1. Refer to the following map and time zones, If Baltimore is 4 PM ET, what time it is at Los Sangeles (CA) and Honolulu (HI) respectively? a. 7 PM; 9 PM b. 2 PM; 11 PM c. 12 PM; 10 AM d. 1 PM; 11 AM 0.134 points QUESTION 10 1. A map projection that can portray the entire surface of the earth without any distortion is the: Mercator projection Goode projection Winkel Tripel Projection none of the above 0.134 points QUESTION 11 1. The network of parallels and meridians used to describe locations on the earth’s surface is called the: a. global projection b. geoid c. geographic grid d. oblate spheroid 0.134 points QUESTION 12 1. The following figure shows an example of a map using the __________ projection. a. Spherical b. Goode c. Winkel Tripel d. Mercator 0.134 points QUESTION 13 1. Refer to the previous map, which line represents the shortest realworld distance between Portland, USA and Cario, Egypt, Line A or Line B? a. Line A- Great Circle b. Line B - Compass Line c. Neither of them d. Both of them 0.134 points QUESTION 14 1. Which statements are true about the two lines CD and EF on the precious map? The two lines are about same measured in latitude. The two lines represent the same linear distance on the Earth surface (ground distance). The two lines have different linear scales that show differnt ratios between map-distances vs. ground distances Line CD is much shorter than Line EF on the Earth surface (groud distance). The two lines are part of parallels along which there is not distorting in direction. 0.134 points QUESTION 15 1. Which of the following statements are true regarding the geospatial technologies? a. Cartography is defined as a combination of science, technology and art because all the three affect mapmaking and map looks. b. Strictly, GPS stands for geographic positiotnal system which is first ddeveloped by the U.S. with three segments (space, ground, and users). c. GIS can be simply defined as an information system that deals with spatial data characterized by 3Gs in terms of fuctionality. d. Remote sensing is a technology that we use for detecting what is happing in an area remote from our home. e. All geobrowers allow users to search a place or objects on a digital map or geo-database that has locational or positional information.
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