BMCC Chicken Pox Virus Hormones Nervous & Endocrine System Questions

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Borough of Manhattan Community College


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1. Parasympathetic and vagus nerve activation releases acetylcholine onto your sinoatrial node in the heart. This action decreases pacemaker rate and slows down heart rate. Why does this neurotransmitter have different effects in the skeletal muscle tissue? Give examples of other neurotransmitters with similar contrasting effects. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "adipose tissue would be the slowest type of connective tissue to heal?" Explain your answer. 3.The antidiuretic hormone (protein hormone) and aldosterone (steroid hormone) both target the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephron in the kidney. Mention some of the possible differences in the mechanism of action of these hormones at the cellular level. 4. STEPHEN is preparing for a high school football game. His coach indicated that it was important for him to eat a balanced meal. You are working with the team as a health advisor, your job is to explain to Kylo why energy is important for his performance. Can muscles contract without ATP or calcium? Explain Mention sources of ATP for muscle contraction. 5 A. Can the regeneration of damaged peripheral nerve fiber occur? If so, explain the requirements. B. Explain the main differences between signals traveling via myelinated versus unmyelinated neurons. What kind of cells support myelination? 6. ​What type of tissue do you normally find in the glands of the endocrine system? Explain why. Give an example of one gland and tissue you find in this gland. 7. The chicken pox virus can reside in the peripheral nerves for decades and then cause terrible pain in certain areas of the skin. (a) How do we know that the chicken pox virus travels through sensory spinal nerves? (b) Explain the possible reason why it can often cause either pain, rash or both in a pattern defined by a dermatome? 8. Compare the communication mechanism and response times of the two major systems of internal communication: the nervous system and the endocrine system. Give a specific example how these two systems work together (play a role) to maintain a function in the human body. 9. ​What would have more life threating consequences for an organism: lacking photoreceptors or lacking mechanoreceptors? Explain. 10. If a patient has had their spinal nerve cord severed just below C-7, could the patient still ventilate? Explain.
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Explanation & Answer

1. Acetylcholine, while inducing contraction of skeletal muscles, instead induces decreased contraction in cardiac muscle fibers. This distinction is attributed to differences in receptor structure between skeletal and cardiac fibers. Epinephrine can also have contrasting effects since it can make the cardiac muscles contract faster, but it can also make the bronchi muscles relax.
2. No, adipose tissues are not the slowest specialized types of connective tissue to heal. Cartilage instead should be the slowest to heal because it is avascular. Blood supply is important for wound healing, and its absence in cartilage tissue would mean that it would require time to heal.
3. Protein hormones like ADH are polar substances, which mean that they are hydrophilic. Their receptors would likely reside within the cellular membrane. Meanwhile, steroid hormones like aldosterone are non-polar, which means that their receptors lie inside the cell. Protein hormones are also stored in vesicles before they are released while steroid hormones are released immediately upon...

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