How Urbanization Impacts Public and Private Transport Report

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all of the information is stated below, you are free to choose any point, but that point needs a sub-topic which has more depth, and would have to be approved by the advisor, so please contact me about it so I can get the approval, all the requirements are stated in the second picture, and all the topics are in the first picture.

best regards

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1. The effect of the pandemic on urban public transportation in cities. 2. Traffic control devices and synchronization techniques during peak periods. 3. Trip Generation/Distribution/Assessment Analysis 4. Evaluation of Transit Systems Performance in Cities 5. Urbanization and the impact on public and private transportation 6. Road Safety 7. Reverse Commuting 8. Congestion Pricing Submission Format: The project submission requires a final report of ten (10) pages excluding the cover page and Table of Content plus a print out PowerPoint presentation in lieu of a life presentation attached to your report. The report must follow the standard Turabian Format or the Modern Language Association (MLA) Format. If in doubt, review - A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian. Grading Criteria 1. Structure, Originality of Body of Report, Clarity and Content development. (5%) 2. Technical Strength: What is your Methodology? What is your Intent for the adopted methodology? What is your evaluation of the strength of your method? (5%) 3. Depth of Research: Relevance and currency of researched materials to project topic. Ability to critically evaluate researched materials, analyze the author(s) viewpoints, and superimpose your own thinking based on your topic and come up with concrete opinions that buttress your individual topic. (10%). 4. Innovation/Direction for Future Work Efforts: Does the project incorporate any new ideas or approaches? Yes. The project will incorporate existing work based on your literature review. What new contribution(s) does your project add to the existing body of knowledge in the field of your specific topic? (5%).
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Explanation & Answer

Please find attached the paper, presentation, outline and TURNITIN report. Please note I just fixed a typo in the paper from the last version. The outline is same as before. This is final answer form me. Please let me know if any updates required in this. I will be available to do that.Thanks

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Title: How Urbanization Impacts Public and Private Transport
This section will provide a comprehensive definition of urbanization. The section will also
summarize how urbanization will impact both the public and private transport (i.e., the objectives
of the paper will be outlined in this section.)
Literature Review.
This section will provide a comprehensive summary of past research regarding urbanization and
its impact on transportation systems. The section will survey various scholarly articles, books, and
different sources, which are relevant to the urbanization. Generally, the section will enumerate,
describe, and objectively assess and provide clarification of past researches. The literature review
will contain five signific...

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