FIU Managing Diversity in The Workplace Covid 19 & Black Lives Matter Movement Essay

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Business Finance

Florida International University


As you reflect on what we have learned in this course over the last couple of weeks, let's discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement in managing diversity in the workplace. Read these two articles, Adapt Your D&I Efforts to the Reality of the Crisis (Links to an external site.) and Black Lives Matter Protests Moves Corporate D&I Initiatives Center Stage. (Links to an external site.)

  • What elements of diversity are impacted by these two crises?
  • What are your perspectives on these crises and how will it impact your journey into or in your current workplace?
  • What do you think organizations should do to ensure their employees' safety, health, and ability to have equal rights in the workplace?

300 words

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Explanation & Answer




Managing Diversity



The Covid-19 epidemic and the black lives matter movement have impacted several
elements of diversity, as has been observed in the past couple of months. According to (Stengel
2020), Covid-19 has directly affected all individuals globally; however, some groups are
suffering more during this crisis period. Apart from race, the pandemic has mostly impacted the
age element of diversity. Older persons have been hit harder by Covid-19 compared to other age
groups. This is because these individuals are more prone to have underly...

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