ET310 Grantham University WK6 Laplace Transform and Analysis in S Domain Lab

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Grantham University



Circuit Analysis – Week #6 Lab

Laplace Transform and Analysis in S-Domain

This week’s lab is based on the application of circuit analysis techniques to a capacitive circuit with Multisim. You will learn to utilize Multisim to perform the mesh analysis.

1. See file “Design of Oscillator Circuits” (click link)

2. Design a Wein bridge Oscillator shown in the figure below in Multisim to generate a sinusoidal signal at frequency of 300Hz. Consider a capacitor of 1uF, resistor R = 5950Ω, R1 = 3Ω, Rf = 6.05Ω for the oscillator circuit.

a. Determine output voltage ‘Vo’ and run the simulation to plot the output of the oscillations at frequency of 300 Hz using an oscilloscope.

b. Increase the frequency to 500Hz, 800Hz and 1000Hz and plot the output of the oscillator at these multiple frequencies.

c. Take the screen capture of the oscilloscope readings for all the frequencies.

3. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the requirement to generate oscillation in the circuit? Is the circuit stable or unstable?

b. What do you observe in the oscillations when the frequency is increased?

c. With increased frequency, did you observe the oscillations? If not what did you adjust to observe the oscillations?

d. Explore different practical applications of oscillator circuits and explain.

4. Create a new word document called “Lab6_StudentID.docx” with your GID substituted into the file name.

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Name: GID: Lab 1: Grantham University Date: Introduction: Write one to two paragraphs about the Lab. Explain the following information for this lab: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ What are the goals to achieve in the lab? What are the expectations of the lab? How will you be implementing this lab? What will you try to measure? Equipment/Components: List the type of equipment or components that you will be using? Where will you find these components? How will you use these components in Multisim/VHDL? Explain any adjustments required such as tolerances. Procedure: Briefly describe how you will approach the problem and try to solve the lab, describe and explain any techniques/rules/laws/principles you would use. Outline each step of the process. Circuit design: Take a screenshot of the circuit/logic from Multisim/VHDL as asked in the lab assignment before you run the circuit and paste it here in your report. Execution/Results: Run the circuit in Multisim/VHDL and copy/paste the results from the simulation including any readings, plots or graphs. Copy/Paste the screenshots for all the measurements required in the lab here. Be sure to add a title and explain what each of the screenshots represent. Analysis: Analyze the results obtained from Multisim/VHDL and compare those to your calculated results (if required). Answer the following questions: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ What did you discover/confirm? Use tables and diagrams to record results. Compare calculations with the measured values. Analyze your results. Explain if your simulation is correct or incorrect and why. If the results are confirmed, then your measurements are correct. If they are not confirmed, explain what the problem is. You will need to discuss how to troubleshoot the circuit to achieve the correct results. Conclusion: Summarize the entire lab in 1 to 2 paragraphs with the results and analysis in mind. Answer any questions asked in the lab assignment here. Cite any sources that you may use in your report. Circuit Analysis – Week #6 Lab Laplace Transform and Analysis in S-Domain This week’s lab is based on the application of circuit analysis techniques to a capacitive circuit with Multisim. You will learn to utilize Multisim to perform the mesh analysis. 1. See file “Design of Oscillator Circuits” (click link) 2. Design a Wein bridge Oscillator shown in the figure below in Multisim to generate a sinusoidal signal at frequency of 300Hz. Consider a capacitor of 1uF, resistor R = 5950Ω, R1 = 3Ω, Rf = 6.05Ω for the oscillator circuit. a. Determine output voltage ‘Vo’ and run the simulation to plot the output of the oscillations at frequency of 300 Hz using an oscilloscope. b. Increase the frequency to 500Hz, 800Hz and 1000Hz and plot the output of the oscillator at these multiple frequencies. c. Take the screen capture of the oscilloscope readings for all the frequencies. 3. Answer the following questions: a. What is the requirement to generate oscillation in the circuit? Is the circuit stable or unstable? b. What do you observe in the oscillations when the frequency is increased? c. With increased frequency, did you observe the oscillations? If not what did you adjust to observe the oscillations? d. Explore different practical applications of oscillator circuits and explain. 4. Create a new word document called “Lab6_StudentID.docx” with your GID substituted into the file name. 5. Save the simulation results from step 2 along with the measurements and screen captures. Make sure to answer the questions in step 6. 6. Upload file “Lab6_StudentID”. Rules for lab submissions: 1. The lab document must be a Word document. PDF files are NOT accepted. 2. All screenshots must be included. 3. All screenshots must include the Multisim time stamp. 4. Any and all Multisim files must be submitted. 5. Any equations used must be typed in Word. Copy and paste of equations from outside sources is prohibited. 6. No graphics are allowed in the Word document other than screenshots of circuits from Multisim with the time stamp. 7. The lab template should be used. Specifically, it is brought to your attention that a summary MUST be provided explaining the results of the labs, the relationship of the results to expected results, and any challenges encountered. 8. All resistors in must be have a tolerance of at least 5% set. Thus, your measured values should NOT be exactly equal to your calculated values. Any violation of the submission rules above will result in a grade of 1. Lab 6 Grading Rubric Demonstrate understanding of Circuit Analysis in s-domain 10 points Analyze the circuit in to compute the output of the oscillator circuit 20 points Circuit design in Multisim 10 points Measurement of oscillations for different frequencies 30 points Answer to the questions 20 points Lab Report (includes table, measurement with proper units, screenshots, APA guidelines) 10 points Total 100 points
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Explanation & Answer


Lab 6

The purpose of this lab is to apply circuit analysis techniques to design a Wein bridge Oscillator
in Multisim. Sinusoidal waves of different frequencies are generated and viewed through

The circuit is implemented in Multisim consisting of resistors, capacitors, power sources,
OPAMP and an oscillator. Two power sources of 12VSS and -12VDD is used along with 4
resistors and 2 capacitors. The OPAM...

Really useful study material!


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