Eastern Oregon University Emotional Intelligence Discussion

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Business Finance

Eastern Oregon University


Chapter 4 Critical thinking question 2, 4 7

2.Emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence in influencing an individual success? Do you agree and why?

4. It has almost become a mandatory practice for companies to ensure that employees have fun at work. Do you agree that this is important?

7. Two college graduates recently joined the same major news paper as journalist. Both work long hours and have tight deadlines for completing their stories. They are under constant pressure to scout out new leads and be the first to report new controversies. One journalist is increasingly fatique and despondent and has taken several days of sick leave. As the employer what can be done to reduce the pressure

Chapter 5

2. Learned needs theory states that needs can be strengthen or weekend. How might a company strengthen the achievement of the management team?

4. You closed a deal with an organizational client and this helps you achieve the target that was set for you by the unit. Use expectancy theory to discuss how the event that will follow may increase your motivation and engagement.

7. Most people think they are worth more than they are paid. Furthermore most employees seem to feel that they exhibit better leadership skill and interpersonal skills than others. Please comment on this human tendency?

Chapter 6

1. As a consultant you been asked to recommend either a gainsharing plan or a profit sharing plan for employees who work in the four regional distribution and warehouse facilities of a large retail organization. Which reward system would you recommend and why?

3. Waco tire corporation redesign its production facilities around a team based system. However the company president believes that employees will not be motivated unless they receive incentives base on their individual performance. Give 3 reasons why waco tire should introduce team base rather than individual rewards?

4. What can organization do to increase the effectiveness of financial rewards?

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Explanation & Answer

Hi! Here it is :) let me know if anything else. Thank you!

Chapter 4 Critical thinking question 2, 4 7
2.Emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence in influencing an
individual success? Do you agree and why?
- Emotional intelligence allows people to identify the emotions of others to get a better sense of
their personality and strengths. This lets you relate to others better and establish better means if
communication and social relations. While cognitive intelligence is undeniably invaluable,
emotional intelligence is a greater motivator for success because of the capacity it lends to
encourage and empower individuals towards their goals and aspirations.
4. It has almost become a mandatory practice for companies to ensure that employees have fun at
work. Do you agree that this is important?
- Yes, positive work environments wherein employees are allowed and encouraged ot have fun
are necessary. Happy environments increase work productivity and enhances the possibility for
collaboration and networking within an organization. Happy employees are better motivated to
complete their tasks at higher qualities, as well, because they are internally motivated. Decreased
stress levels also means better health of employees leading to more working hours, less sick
days, and better focus on tasks that negative emotions may take aw...

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