JNTU Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention System Discussion

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Question Description

Need help with my Computer Science question - I’m studying for my class.

  IDS/IPS related to computer security   

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: IDS AND IPS


Institutional affiliation

Cybersecurity has been a vital consideration whenever the use of computers, mobile devices,
networks, or data is mentioned. With the threat of hacking network systems becoming more
prevalent, tools to detect protect, and stop these attacks are being developed to counter the
possible damages posed. Sometimes, incoming attacks can fail to be detected and cause damage
to devices used to store and transmit data. However, with the necessary tools, those attacks can
be identified and neutralized before they cause any harm.
IDS is a passive security measure that detects incoming cyber-attacks. IDS tools reside outside
the network and use an external monitoring device called test access point (tap), to review copies
of incoming data. IDS examine mirrored packed data from different locations to identify
malicious traffic before moving farther to the network (Ashoor & Gore, 2012). The problem with
IDS is it doesn't come into contact with the original data but uses copies, making it incapable of
taking instant action against risks. It, therefore, leaves it to the administrator to manage the
threat. This can result in network damage on instances where the administrators lac...

Znevar (731)
Duke University

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