UNT Committee Leadership in Organizational Performance Appraisal Paper

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University of North Texas


Write a short paper (4-6 pages, APA format) based on a visit/virtual visit to a place that is out of your comfort zone. Choose a place to visit where you will not feel entirely comfortable, and after the visit, will write a paper describing the experience. Some example choices include: a mosque; a temple (Jewish, Buddhist, etc.); white, black, or Hispanic meeting; a gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBTQ) gathering; spending all day without speaking (to experience a disability firsthand); or going through the intake process at a homeless shelter, among others.

You must include the following sections in your paper:

1) Introduction—include why you chose this particular experience that you’re writing about as well as the details of when and where it took place;
2) Your thoughts, feelings, apprehensions, and preconceived notions prior to the experience;
3) A detailed description of the experience, including your thoughts and feelings throughout, interactions with others, etc;
4) Any –isms you noticed or experienced;
5) What you learned from the experience and how this experience will impact your future practice; and
6) Conclusion.

❍ With respect to COVID and the need for social distancing this assignment can be based on

1) A new experience as described above
2) A previous experience where you visited a place out of your comfort zone.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you need any edits or have any questions


Committee Leadership in Organizational Performance Appraisal
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation




Committee Leadership in Organizational Performance Appraisal
Individuals tend to continually be in the limits of particular comfort zones without
noticeable effort to rid themselves. Comfort zones enhance a feeling of security, making
respective persons feel comfortable and in control, hence the difficulty in transitioning.
Individual growth and development results from engaging in activities that challenge the
standard set boundaries, and encompass stretching beyond the limits. However, failure to
embrace diversity results in slowed individual growth and transition, impeding personality
development imperative for fostering social, psychological, and professional development. The
primary objective of organizations encompasses future growth and expansion with the end of
consumer satisfaction as the immediate objective. Performance appraisals are conducted
continuously to keep the organizational performance in check through workers' review to guide
in the appropriate course of action. Setting targets that necessitate efforts that are out of the
comfort zone is imperative for individuals through fostering the acquisition of skills and
expertise essential for tackling other endeavors.
The rationale for the Selection of the Respective Experience, Where and When it Occurred
Organizations need to continually monitor and evaluate employee performance to
facilitate implementation, and subsequent standardization of identified improvement niches for
the workers, for the long-term entity success. The selection of the posited experience
encompassing leading a committee to aid in the organizational assessment of the junior workers
is the indication of individual integrity levels, a significant component for professional
development. Notably, the committee process aims at identifying the potential and actual
challenges facing the junior working class in the organization, and their capabilities and
weaknesses. The method also facilitates the identification of workers' specific roles and



responsibilities in their line of duty, creating momentum, fostering productivity, and eliminating
the fear that could obscure development. The junior worker performance appraisal committee
meeting took place in Miami, Florida, at the corporation’s headquarters in May 2020. It involved
six colleagues under my supervision, attributed to the international stipulated measures like
social distancing as primary precautions for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thoughts, Feelings, Apprehensions, and Preconceived Notions before the Experience
Before the meeting, the prevalent ideas in my mind included the appropriate ways of
conducting the meeting a...

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