University of Southern California Child Welfare in United States Essay

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University of Southern California



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1. Introduction a. Child Welfare in the United States – Statistics Related to Child Welfare i. Child Welfare Statistics 1. 10,000 Students Missing form School System Since Pandemic b. Statement of The Problem (Why is this an issue that deserves attention?) i. Reason 1 - Shifting the perception of DSS workers in community ii. Reason 2 – Equipping DSS workers with training necessary to establish a better working relationship with parents and children iii. Reason 3 - Importance creating an integrated network with school officials in order to better serve families and most importantly children c. Thesis Statement i. In this study, the researcher will provide an overview of the Child Welfare training in South Carolina as it relates to working with the South Carolina school districts. This research will ....; identify ....; determine ...., determine .... d. Significance of the Study (How can this study impact the social service and criminal justice system?) i. Reason 1 - Possibly Decrease the Number of Children Who Enter the DSS system ii. Reason 2 - Promoting Child Welfare Awareness in the Community iii. Reason 3 – Ensure the DSS is Meeting Its Mission Statement to Include Goals
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Child Welfare

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Child Welfare
Child Welfare in the United States – Statistics Related to Child Welfare
Child welfare programs are programs that look at the needs of children, obtain and
investigate reports of potential neglect and violence that children may be exposed to, and support
families who may need help caring for their children. They also facilitate reunion with kin,
foster, and adoption services. Over the past few years, the rate of child maltreatment has reduced
substantially. In 2017, about 3.5 million children passed the criteria for investigation, with over
670,000 of them being determined to have been victims of maltreatment. About seventy five
percent of the victims had been neglected, 18.3 percent had been abused physically, while 8.6%
sexually abused ("Child abuse, neglect data released", 2020). In 2018, the number of children
who were certified to be victims of maltreatment rose to 674,000. An approximate number of
child fatalities from abuse and neglect stood at 1,720 in 2017, while the referrals made to Child
Protection Services continue to increase steadily.
Statistics show that young children experience higher maltreatment rates than children
who are older, with children who are younger than three years having a maltreatment rate of
15/1000. In contrast, children between four to seven years report approximately ten per thousand
maltreatment rates, and fiver per thousand for the children aged sixteen to seventeen years
("Child Maltreatment", 2019). Poverty and institutional biases are some of the factors that
contribute to child maltreatment. Multiple race children, including the non-Hispanic blacks and
Native Americans, record the highest rates of abuse. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge
impact on child welfare systems. Since the pandemic began, more than ten thousand students
have been missing from the school system. According to Gilreath (2020), about four to five


percent of students, representing approximately 31,000 to 39,000 students in South Carolina
have been unaccounted for si...

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