Interactive Timeline, writing homework help

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Interactive Timeline

For the Final Project, you are required to make a timeline of the events in the history of American education that made a significant impact, and include a summary of each event.

Guidelines for the Timeline
To create the timeline, use the information from each week’s Timeline Discussion Forum response. (You may use the events you listed or the events your peers have listed. You will upload your text, event by event, to a timeline you create using Tiki-Toki. You must include historical events, with each significant time period being represented with at least two different events/individuals. You must include an introduction timeline slide (as prompted by tiki-toki) that will include your name, the name of the course, and a brief description of what your timeline entails. You must include a minimum of 20 historical events; feel free to include more events in the area(s) that you feel were most significant. You are encouraged to use scholarly sources where appropriate. After selecting the historical events, compose a brief summary (25 to 50 words) for each, and select and include a historical image or video that highlights the event. Include a minimum of three sources in addition to your textbook and reference them in APA 6th-edition style. Once the timeline is complete, please include the final tiki-toki link in your written document.

Additional notes regarding the timeline:

  • Review the following example of the Final Timeline Assignment for EDU 324.
  • The events/figures that have been chosen for the example are not significant to the history of American Education and may not be used in your final timeline.
  • When creating your own timeline, please be sure to adjust the date as needed; either the actual date; February 5, 2014 or 2014, whichever is appropriate.
  • Please be sure that all images have captions.

Written document must include:

  • Cover page
  • Reflection of the timeline
  • Tiki-toki link
  • A reference page

Reflection Items:

  • Determine which event listed in your timeline you feel is the most significant and explain why.
  • State which event you found the most interesting and explain why.
  • If you had access to a time travel machine, explain which event you would like to have been a part of and why.
  • Predict an event that you think will be listed on future timelines and provide a rationale.

Please note you will be graded on the clarity of your narrative and the appropriateness of design (e.g., the quality of the images, how well the images relate to the given event) and the quality of your response to the reflection items.

The summaries and the written portion of the Final Project will be submitted to Turnitin, so be sure to cite your sources appropriately. Note that you must also cite in APA format the source of each of the selected historical images and/or videos. Music clips are also welcome if you can legitimately connect the song to the historical event (and properly cite the source).

**If the Tiki Toki Timeline cannot be made with the 10 Events, I have 10 more to add to the original document instead of doing the timeline. Besides the extra 10, I need the reflection questions answered.**

1. Meriam Report Issued in 1928

2. Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

3. National Defense Education Act of 1958

4. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965

5. Education of the Handicapped Act of 1975

6. Passage of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981

7. First Education Summit in 1989

8. “English Only” Proposition Approved in California in 1998

9.  No Child Left Behind in 2002

10. Common Core State Standards in 2009

**I have attached my first 10 events that need to be added to a timeline or have the other 10 added to it plus the reflection questions.**

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Ten Historical Events in Education The title of the event: Negro Act of 1740. The year(s) of the event: 1740- 1860 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: This was a comprehensive Act that was passed to govern the conduct of African-American slaves in South Carolina. The Negro Act of 1740 illegalized movement of slaves abroad, association or assembling, learning to write in English, working with the aim of earning money and growing food. The Act denied slaves the right to education by illegalizing writing in English (Olwell, 1996). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: A Negro does not deserve education. The URL of the image chosen: The title of the event: Benjamin Franklin's Academy opened 1751 The year(s) of the event: 1751 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: Benjamin Franklin, a successful printer at the age of 43 decided to shift his focus to a non-commercial enterprise, education. Using his influence, he and a group of other high profile personalities established the Benjamin Franklin's Academy in 1951 as an academy for boys. This establishment is what evolved to become the modern day University of Pennsylvania (Wechsler, 1976). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: All students should learn practical skills. The URL of the image chosen: The title of the event: Dartmouth College Established in 1769 The year(s) of the event: 1769 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: Dartmouth College established in the year 1979 as part of the Ivy League now ranking among the planet’s top academic institutions. Dartmouth is the home to celebrated arts curriculum and one of the pioneer professional schools. The college has contributed to the shaping of education today and continued to prepare leaders for tomorrow (Doe, 1892). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: One of nine pioneer colonial colleges. The URL of the image chosen: mswitch-redir=classic The title of the event: Establishment of the Troy Female Seminary The year(s) of the event: 1821 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: In 1829 a female seminary was established in Troy, New York by Emma Willard. The schools aim was to give women a college level education equivalent to that was granted to young men in colleges. At the time women had limited access to education. The name of this institution was changed in 1895 to the Emma Willard School (Sage, 1898). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: First American female education institution. The URL of the image chosen: The title of the event: First American Lyceum The year(s) of the event: 1826-early 1900’s A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The American Lyceum was a movement founded in the year 1826 in the US with the aim of sponsoring entertainment and public programs. As a result of this change, adult education was significantly improved resulting to enhanced intellectual, the social and moral conduct of the society. The movement achieved its purpose through what has known as the Lyceum circuit a program that involved a movement of entertainers, lecturers, etc. from one town to the next (Homer, 1926). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: Lyceum Circuit The URL of the image chosen: oupName=Reference&u=alli1510&u=alli1510&jsid=91765cbaca820390914f7b2ad987c755&p= UHIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CCX3450700176&zid=0831d0d206ae7b4fa45 07b57cb1ba9e9 The title of the event: First State Board of Education in Massachusetts The year(s) of the event: 1837 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The Board of Education in Massachusetts is a board that was established in 1837 after recommendation by the then Governor of Massachusetts, Edward Evert with the aim of improving the standard schools at that time (Ames, 2016). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: First ever secretary of the Board. The URL of the image chosen:,_c1850.jpg The title of the event: Conflict between Protestants and Catholics The year(s) of the event: 1842-1844 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The conflict between Catholics and Protestants got to its climax between 1842 and 1844. The Protestants viewed Catholics as conservatives whose laws and beliefs directly conflicted with the democratic nature of the US. Between the 1842 and 1844, there were numerous protests that resulted to burning down of various Catholic churches (Feldberg, 1975). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: Fight between Protestants and catholic protesters. The URL of the image chosen: The title of the event: Morrill Act of 1862 The year(s) of the event: 1862 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The Morrill Act of 1862 was an Act that was passed by the US Congress in the year 1862 to allow the sale of federal land to raise funds for colleges. The act targeted the improvement of colleges that dealt with mechanic art and agriculture (Reynolds, 1992). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: Allocation 30,000 of federal land to fund collage building. The url of the image chosen: The title of the event: Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 The year(s) of the event: 1917 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The Smith-Hughes Act was passed by the US Congress in 1917 to promote agricultural vocational training to people who were interested in entering the field of agriculture. The Act also gave provision to cater for financial necessities of this training from the federal government with the aim of improving production (Patterson, 2008). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: Introduction of Agricultural training. The URL of the image chosen: The title of the event: Progressive Education Association (PEA) The year(s) of the event: 1919 A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The Progressive Education Association (PEA) was established in 1919 to institutionalize the American progressive movement. The movement believed in the in child education, a democratization of public education, social reconstruction and participation in the spheres of life. The movement formed the PEA to achieve the above goals (Christou, 2012). Image that represents the event: A caption that labels the image: Reforming American education. The URL of the image chosen: Tiki-Toki Timeline: References Banks, J. A. (1993). Multicultural education: Historical development, dimensions, and practice. Review of research in education, 19, 3-49. Christou, T. M. (2012). Progressive Education: Revisioning and Reframing Ontario's Public Schools, 1919-1942. University of Toronto Press. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2016, from Doe, C. (1892). A New View of the Dartmouth College Case. Harvard Law Review, 161-183. Feldberg, M. (1975). The Philadelphia Riots of 1844: A Study of Ethnic Conflict (No. 43). Greenwood Publishing Group. Horner, C. F. (1926). The life of James Redpath and the development of the modern lyceum. Barse & Hopkins. Olwell, R. (1996). Becoming free: Manumission and the genesis of a free black community in South Carolina, 1740–90. Slavery and Abolition, 17(1), 1-19. Patterson, S. (2008). Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 (PL 347). Retrieved on October, 9, 2008. Reynolds, T. S. (1992). The education of engineers in America before the Morrill Act of 1862. History of Education Quarterly, 32(4), 459-482. Sage, M. R. (1898). Emma Willard and Her Pupils: Or, Fifty Years of Troy Female Seminary, 1822-1872. M. J. M. Fairbanks (Ed.). Mrs. R. Sage. Thelin, J. R. (2011). A history of American higher education. JHU Press. Wechsler, L. K. (1976). Benjamin Franklin: American and World Educator. Boston: Twayne Publishers. (Vol. 56).
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Explanation & Answer


Historical Events in Education


Historical Events in Education
The title of the event: Negro Act of 1740.
The year(s) of the event: 1740- 1860
A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: This was a comprehensive Act that was passed to
govern the conduct of African-American slaves in South Carolina. The Negro Act of 1740
illegalized movement of slaves abroad, association or assembling, learning to write in English,
working with the aim of earning money and growing food. The Act denied slaves the right to
education by illegalizing writing in English (Olwell, 1996).
Image that represents the event:

A caption that labels the image: A Negro does not deserve education.
The URL of the image chosen:

The title of the event: Benjamin Franklin's Academy opened 1751
The year(s) of the event: 1751




A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: Benjamin Franklin, a successful printer at the age of
43 decided to shift his focus to a non-commercial enterprise, education. Using his influence, he
and a group of other high profile personalities established the Benjamin Franklin's Academy in
1951 as an academy for boys. This establishment is what evolved to become the modern day
University of Pennsylvania (Wechsler, 1976).
Image that represents the event:

A caption that labels the image: All students should learn practical skills.
The URL of the image chosen:

The title of the event: Dartmouth College Established in 1769
The year(s) of the event: 1769
A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: Dartmouth College established in the year 1979 as
part of the Ivy League now ranking among the planet’s top academic institutions. Dartmouth is
the home to celebrated arts curriculum and one of the pioneer professional schools. The college
has contributed to the shaping of education today and continued to prepare leaders for tomorrow
(Doe, 1892).



Image that represents the event:

A caption that labels the image: One of nine pioneer colonial colleges.
The URL of the image chosen:
The title of the event: Establishment of the Troy Female Seminary
The year(s) of the event: 1821
A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: In 1829 a female seminary was established in Troy,
New York by Emma Willard. The schools aim was to give women a college level education
equivalent to that was granted to young men in colleges. At the time women had limited access
to education. The name of this institution was changed in 1895 to the Emma Willard School
(Sage, 1898).
Image that represents the event:



A caption that labels the image: First American female education institution.
The URL of the image chosen:

The title of the event: First American Lyceum
The year(s) of the event: 1826-early 1900’s
A summary (25 to 50 words) of the event: The American Lyceum was a movement founded in
the year 1826 in the US with the aim of sponsoring entertainment and public programs. As a
result of this change, adult education was significantly improved resulting to enhanced
intellectual, the social and moral conduct of the society. The movement achieved its purpose
through what has known as the Lyceum circuit a program that involved a movement of
entertainers, lecturers, etc. from one town to the next (Homer, 1926).
Image that represents the event:


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