SOCW 6111 WU W9 Family Conflicts during Adolescent Stage Discussion

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SOCW 6111

Walden University



Adolescence is a time of trials and tribulations. Teens are dealing with the formation of self and identifying who they are in the world. They are also experiencing biological changes that create mood swings and at times emotional outbursts. Interventions for this group can be challenging, as adolescents often avoid asking for assistance. This avoidance is due to their desire to look normal and fit in. Online interventions might be one way to reach adolescents who need help.

For this Discussion, choose a concern that adolescents face, such as depression, suicide, self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, or family dynamics and family conflict. Conduct research to find an online intervention that addresses this concern.

Post a description of an Internet-based intervention used with adolescents to address the concern you identified. Describe the intervention and the underlying theory. Identify the target behaviors that this intervention is used to address. Finally, describe the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention.

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Family Conflicts during Adolescent Stage
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Family Conflicts during Adolescent Stage
Adolescence is a stage of life that everyone passes regardless of race, culture,
ethnicity, or gender. Most teenagers are unable to deal with their problems due to their inability
to share and speak out what they are going through to their parents or guardians. Most of the
challenges experienced include eating disorders, low self-esteem, drugs, and substance abuse,
family conflicts, suicide, depression, and family dynamics. This paper presents the issue of
family conflicts and prevention groups interventions to help reduce the problem. The area of
target for this research is family conflicts among adolescent teenagers, and the selected
intervention program is the presented group intervention.
Concern for adolescents
The family systems framework holds the notion that all families are structures that
exist interdependently. With such a system of living, the chances of small conflicts ad
misunderstandings are frequent. Such conflicts impact the two parties involved and affect other
family members in one way or another. During adolescence, some family conflicts ...

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