CO 120 Penn Foster Wk 8 Family Life Cycle How Important Is Each Stage Discussion

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Business Finance

CO 120

Penn Foster College



In a 1000 – 1250 word (4-5 page) paper discuss each of the seven family life cycles from the textbook. How important is each stage? What have we learned in this course that can help with communication in each stage? Provide an example of each stage (what it looks like or consists of) and communication aspects we’ve learned that are helpful during the stage.

Then based on cultural trends and evolving values of new generations, what changes in marriage do you predict in the next 15 years? What evidence do you have to support this viewpoint? Do you think most couples today follow the same cycle as those 20 years ago? Why or why not?

Your paper should be a 1000 to 1250 words (4-5 page) paper citing specific examples and providing detailed analysis incorporation reading and textbook material. If outside sources are used, proper citation of the source should be included.

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Explanation & Answer




Family Life Cycle
Institutional Affiliation



How important is each stage? What have we learned in this course that can help with
communication in each stage?
The family is a key structure in the society. While it encompasses the sense of
togetherness, there is probable loss of connection as changes are inevitable when a family
gradually develops in different phases. The individual stage is the beginning of one’s family life
cycle. This generally happens during young adulthood, when an individual develops unique
characteristics which define their personal identity. Individuals separate from their family,
establish their careers and support themselves physically, emotionally, financially and socially
(Kumar, 2017). During this period of independence, intimacy is an important skill to develop in
order to build intimate peer relationships outside the family. This is also vital in growing new
relationships that will form your own family while maintaining your family relations.
Marriage marks the foundation of a new family system and blends the partners’ values
and expectations moulded from previous family relationships. Individuals are required to realign
their relations with friends and family of origin to now include their spouses. Hereby, it is
important to develop interpersonal communication. Couples should commit to one another by
developing common emotional and spiritual goals. They should also improve their ability to
solve problems and, set and manage relationship boundaries (David-Barrett et al, 2016). Another
important skill is compromise which encompasses putting another person’s needs above th...

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