San Diego State University Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for COVID 19 Discussion

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San Diego State University


I would prefer pharmacy or MD student answering the questions

1.Hydroxychloroquine is an antibiotic, why using it as a treatment for (covid-19) which is a virus? Why adding azithromycin to hydroxychloroquine to its treatment, what’s the rationale behind it? What do we have to monitor for hydroxychloroquine in hospital settings and daily ?

2.Remdesivir is now used treatment for covid-19, what do they monitor patients in hospital settings and daily basis? Dose too?

Answers: 1-3 paragraphs

Answer questions with references literature

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Running head: COVID-19 TREATMENT

COVID-19 Treatment
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COVID-19 Treatment

Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for COVID-19
According to In vitro studies conducted in a petri dish, Hydroxychloroquine has antiviral
properties against SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. Tran (2020) explains
that Hydroxychloroquine interferes with the chemical environment of human cell membranes. It
blocks the virus from entering and reproducing in the cells. Azithromycin has anti-inflammatory
effects that would aid in reducing overactive immune responses to COVID-19. The antibiotic
positively worked against Zika and Ebola viruses, which can be extended to other virus
infections. Azithromycin also prevents severe bacterial respir...

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