Herzing University Strategic Plan Proposal Paper

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Health Medical

Herzing University Online


It is important to consider organizational outcomes in the development of a strategic plan to ensure that changes are beneficial to the employees and the organization as a whole. In this assessment, practice creating a strategic plan proposal that aligns with organizational outcomes.

For this assessment, assume the following organizational outcomes apply to the organization described in the professional experience from Units 1-3.

  • Outcome #1: Increasing quality metrics as related to patient care and health outcomes.
    Currently, patient satisfaction scores are at a historic low and patients are not feeling that their care is high quality and effective.
  • Outcome #2: Decreasing financial abuse and misuse to maintain strong profit levels.
    Recent financial analyses showed that the organization is losing money and reimbursement levels are lower than average.
  • Outcome #3: Strengthening the cultural competency of the organization as related to patients and employees/staff/medical staff.
    The new influx of patients introduced a new demographic section to the organization which has not previously been treated in the office.


  • Create a strategic plan proposal that aligns with the outcomes of the healthcare organization.
  • Using the steps covered in previous units, this strategic plan proposal will be the beginning of the actual process, so the plan needs to include the following:
    • Statement of the problem or issue
    • Rationale for the proposed plan
    • Analysis of the organizational outcomes (are they positive outcomes, do they align with the overall expectations of the organization, can they actually be met?)
    • Strategic plan is outlined with steps and expected timelines
    • Potential hurdles or negative aspects are outlined with plans to mitigate
    • Organizational outcomes are discussed and applied to the strategic plan
  • Complete additional research on this topic as necessary. Include at least 2 references, formatted APA style.

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Explanation & Answer

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Strategic Plan Proposal
Thesis Statement: In this strategic plan proposal, we shall be looking forward to restoring the
organization back to a financially and operationally desirable position.
1. Statement of the Problem or the Issue
Considering the organizational outcomes to develop this strategic plan, it is safe to say
that the organization is lagging in some area.
2. Rationale for the Proposed Plan
A strategic plan is meant to guide the management in making daily decisions that are
meant to achieve a larger goal.
3. Analysis of the Organizational Outcomes
To maximize the profit of any organization, there is always a need to increase the
quality of the services you offer. The organization’s quality metrics are declining
every day.
4. The Strategic Plan’s Steps
For a long time now, this medical institution has been grappling with the challenge of
improving the delivery of healthcare in a more effective manner that is not only
satisfying but also rewarding to both the patients and the institution.
5. References


Strategic Plan Proposal

Student’s Name
Institution’s Affiliation




Statement of the Problem or the Issue
Recently the organization has not been on a beautiful streak performance-wise. This
has been evidenced particularly by three outcomes observed in the current organizational
analysis. Considering the organizational outcomes to de...

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