Career path is Human Resources Professional, Social Psychology Homework Unit 1 - Psychology homework help

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Unit I Reflection Paper- My chosen Career path is Human Resources Professional


Compose a reflection paper about your chosen career path and how psychology can benefit your career. 


If you are planning a career as something other than a social psychologist, you will address the following:

 Describe your future career aspirations.

 Describe the educational requirements of your future career.

 Describe the history of social psychology.

 Explain how the history of social psychology and the field in its current state can help inform your career of

choice. Support your answer by using information from the textbook or another resource.


Your response should be at least two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Explanation & Answer

Hey there....Thanks for the query. Wont disappoint.


The Human Resource Profession
“The human resource profession is a profession that infiltrates or pivots in an organization or
business the hiring, administration and training of other personnel in the organization” (Mathis,
2016). Moreover, as is common in all organizations, each organization has its own culture and
the human resource personnel are behind them because they are involved in developing
convenient business cultures and managing them. Furthermore, in the case of emergence of
conflicts within the organization, they act as mediators. Summarily their role is at the core of the
company’s success.
To qualify as a human resource professional, which mostly avails as a human resource manager,
one should have at least a “bachelor’s degree in either human resources management or in
business administration...

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