Imagine you recently cleaned out and reorganized your garage and now find yourself with many items in good condition but no longer needed. You are thinking about trying to sell some items on eBay® but do not know anything about online auctions.
Access the eBay® website at to learn about their online auction system. Click on the Help tab in the upper right and choose Learning Center from the pull down menu. The site offers several tutorials to help prospective sellers and buyers learn about and use the auction system. The recommended tutorials are listed on the left. Most of the tutorials contain links to additional information.
Write a 200-word paragraph addressing the following: Briefly describe how eBay® works. What advantages and disadvantages do you think eBay® offers to small-scale sellers and large-scale sellers? Based on what you have learned, if you wanted to start an electronic retail (e-tail) business, would you use eBay®? Explain your reasoning.
Format your paragraph consistent with APA guidelines.