Ashford University Organizational Structure Management Paper

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Business Finance

ashford university


Attached is the paper that need completed. say 2 pages for part 1 and 8 full pages of work for part 2.....

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Assignment Description Your executive vice president (EVP) has decided to restructure six of the current business units into one sector structure. He has asked you to put together two deliverables for his team to review. Part 1 You are to write an Executive Summary White Paper reflecting the benefits of the recommended change. Include the following in your white paper: • Short introduction about the alignment between organizational structure and organizational strategy • Productivity improvement analysis for each organizational structure option • Potential cost of each organizational structure option • Potential schedule for the merger • Your recommendation and why Part 2 For this part, you are to write a Change Proposal Paper of 2,500 words in which you reflect upon your recommendation from Part 1. Your EVP is very excited to get started on the change plan for the business unit merger project that you recommended in your Executive Summary White Paper. Before he signs off on the launch date for the project, the EVP wants to see a proposed change plan. Each of the impacted six divisions have approximately 830 employees, and each are organized in the following functions: • Project management • Manufacturing operations • Engineering • Quality • Information technology • Human resources • Accounting • Public relations • Procurement He was very impressed with your ideas on a customer service organization and wants to include this new function in the new organization. The change plan should include the following: • Assessments Examples of the return on investment (ROI) Training required • Who will be involved in the full change planning Communication plan • Places for potential economies of scale in the merger Action plan • Schedule on the implementation of the new structure He would also like to know what you need him and the other executive team members to do in support of this project. What you learned about your client team in the previous change assignments is that they like to see charts with clear objective facts and the latest research in support of the ideas you are presenting in the documents that they review prior to the full team discussion. This is a critical project, so you will want to develop a standard list of questions to interview each of the seven executives to gather their input regarding this project. Be sure to build this diagnostic data collection into the overall project schedule.
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Hello. I am through with the paper, I passed it through grammarly to ensure that grammar is perfect and also turnitin for plagiarism. The paper is good now. However, you can contact me in case you want anything more. pleasure working with you. goodbye


Organizational Structure Management
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Part 1
Executive Summary
Organizational structure alludes to how people and groups work inside a particular firm
to achieve the anticipated results in the long run. Business operations must be supervised to
accomplish authoritative objectives and goals. The structure is a vital instrument in
accomplishing coordination since it directs revealing connections, circulates official
correspondence channels, and clarifies how people's very own obligations are interlaced.
Organizations can work in various structures, each with multiple preferences and weaknesses. Be
that as it may, any structure that is not appropriately would lead to specific business issues, with
some hierarchical models especially organizing conditions and capacities. Accomplishing an
incorporated business, the board framework across various divisions requires the compelling
interest of all gatherings associated with the redesign of an association and the task of obligation
inside the pertinent people and offices. The compatibility of the various departments of an
organization can be influenced by imposing the centralized structure of management. The
authoritative structure is how to work courses through an association. The organizational
structure permits gatherings to sort out together in their assignments. Conventional reliable
structures become more formal - capacities (for example, money or tasks), where workers are
gathered by locale or item run. The compatibility of the various departments of an organization
can be influenced by imposing the centralized structure of management. This paper will discuss
the implications of organizational restructuring and the benefits of adopting the various
organizational management structures across businesses. Administrative structures developed
since the 1800s during the Industrial Revolution were marked with individual’s set-up to



interface parts to make organizational systems that would avail progressive success and growth
of businesses. Frederick Taylor's logical administration hypothesis followed how it worked, so
laborers played out a similar assignment most proficiently. In the twentieth century, General
Motors spearheaded a progressive hierarchical structure wherein each significant division made
its vehicles. Today, hierarchical structures are changing quickly - from virtual associations to
other adaptable structures. The future brings useful, gainful, and grid authoritative arrangements.
Commonly, there are four managerial structures that have assisted in the cooperation of
resources availed by the business owners to generate value and growth in the long run. Various
organizational structures have evolved over the years via progressive researches and innovations
that have enhanced the management process in firms across the globe. Organization of human
resources to facilitate the tapping of essential talents and abilities has increased the efficiency of
business operations across the firm, hence increasing productivity. Generally, most influential
organizational structures are more flexible and accommodate the trending canes in the market.



Organizational Structure Management
The four primary components of the organizational structure, as a rule, are as often as
possible concentrated in writing: centralization, functional, multidimensional levels, and
divisional. Considering these four components as building squares or parts, and there are
components that chiefs need to slice from structures to make an association structure that applies
them to their associations. In many associations, heads rely on consultation and even contacts to
make the structure they hope to fit the requirements of their association's technique. Like
snowflakes, the two authoritative structures are not the equivalent. While making an
organizational structure for a firm, directors examine the most effective approach that would suit
the business’s particular needs (Ajagbe et al., 2016). The authoritative structure is how to work
courses through an association. The organizational structure permits gatherings to sort out
together in their assignments. Conventional reliable structures become more formal - capacities
(for example, money or tasks), where workers are gathered by locale or item run. The
compatibility of the various departments of an organization can be infl...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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