MC 621 Kennedy King College Art Event for Workplace Colleagues Proposal

User Generated



MC 621

Kennedy King College





Utilize art elements in real-world contexts and the workplace.


Your workplace has a line in its budget for team building events outside of work. In the past, your supervisor has passed out free tickets to minor league baseball games, passes to an amusement park, and even rented a lodge for a hunting retreat.

This year, your coworkers and you received an email asking what kind of team building event you would like to attend. You responded that you would like to attend the world-renowned Flamenco dance performance that will take place in your city in a few months. You also included a note that you know your company is opening up an office in Spain, so it might be good for your company to take the opportunity to learn more about the culture.

Impressed with your amazing idea, your supervisor asks you to plan one more art event for your workplace.


Write a one - two page proposal for an art event for your workplace. The proposal should contain the following details about what kind of art event it will be:

  • Where the event will take place—for example, an art show in your workplace lobby, or a trip to the theater.
  • Who the artist(s) are with details of their accomplishments.
  • Budget for the event. (Could be as simple as ticket prices and transportation, or could be a catered art opening.)
  • Rationale for how your company can potentially benefit from this art event.

NOTE - Be sure the documents display proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure

Grading Rubric











Did not Submit

No Pass




Not Submitted

The proposal was lacking details about where the event would take place.

The proposal included detailed where the event would take place.

The proposal included completely detailed where the event would take place.

The proposal included meticulously detailed where the event would take place.

Not Submitted

The proposal included which artists were showcased at the event lacking the list of their accomplishments.

The proposal included which artists were showcased at the event with list of their accomplishments.

The proposal included which artists were showcased at the event with many list of their accomplishments.

The proposal included which artists were showcased at the event with in-depth list of their accomplishments.

Not Submitted

The proposal included a poorly constructed budget.

The proposal included a budget for the event.

The proposal included a well detailed budget for the event.

The proposal included an extremely detailed budget for the event.

Not Submitted

The proposal included poorly composed rationale for the potentially benefit from the art event.

The proposal included rationale for the potentially benefit from the art event.

The proposal included a good rationale for the potentially benefit from the art event.

The proposal included an excellent rationale for the potentially benefit from the art event.

Not Submitted

The proposal had seven or more mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.

The proposal had six or less mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.

The proposal had three or less mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.

The proposal had correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: PROPOSAL


Institution Affiliation


Cultural Event Proposal

Event venue
The cultural event proposal will take place at the workplace lobby within the office
headquarters. The workplace lobby presents an ample and spacious place to include every
member of the office to participate. The cultural event follows up the interest in opening
offices in Spain and would like to borrow from different Spanish cultures from music, food,
art, and language, which will be presented to the people in the officer. This event will be an
exposure to the way of life of the Spanish people. The event will take place in the evening
from 4 pm to 7 pm and on August 20, 2020.
Artists attending the event
The event will be graced with renowned Spanish artists who have shone in different
fields in cuisine, music, and art. The artists will perform and showcase their talents. Feran
Adria, a Spanish chef, will be in attendance and will present the event with Spanish cuisines
(Etro & Stepanova, 2017). Adria is a renowned chef who has worked in reputable hotels
around the world and has been the head chef of the Hilton Hotel and has also published bestselling cookbooks such as The Spanish Gems. In attendance, musical great Hulio Iglesias will
perform his songs in the event. Iglesias is a famous Spanish artist who has sold over 100
million records in his musical career.
Hulio will perform his best-selling songs, and he will be joined by bubbling new artist...

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