Assignment 2: Response and Mitigation, writing homework help

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Choose one (1) of the two (2) disaster scenarios below:

  1. A hurricane has hit the Southeast U.S. Gulf coast, leaving over 500,000 people homeless, without food or medical attention.
  2. A tornado touched down in a Midwestern U.S. city, destroying the entire city, including four (4) major hospitals and the police department / emergency services dispatch center.

Refer to the National Response Framework’s Emergency Support Function Annexes, located at and the National Disaster Recovery Framework’s Recovery Support Functions Index, located at

Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Develop the response plan as a member of the emergency and crisis management team for your chosen scenario. Determine at least two (2) federal agencies that should assist in the response plan for the disaster scenario and summarize their duties, responsibilities, and actions as outlined in the National Response Framework’s Emergency Support Function Annex.
  2. Develop the mitigation plan as a member of the emergency and crisis management team for your chosen scenario. Determine at least two (2) federal agencies that should assist in the mitigation plan for the disaster scenario and summarize their duties, responsibilities, and actions as outlined in the National Disaster Recovery Framework’s Recovery Support Functions Index. Specify how your chosen federal agencies assist in the recovery mission of your discussed disaster scenario.
  3. Speculate on the main difficulties (e.g., the ability to utilize federally funded relief, the problems associated with the infrastructure of the community struck with the disaster, etc.) that would be involved in the emergency response for your chosen scenario. Next, propose one (1) strategy that you could take as a member of the emergency and crisis management team in order to overcome the difficulties in question. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Explanation & Answer



Hurricane Response Plans
In this paper, it shall entail response plans for control of hurricane in Southeast U.S coastal
Gulf that left over half million of the population without any feeds, being homeless and lacking
medical centers. The paper further enlightens the reader on the necessary measures for planning
on the best-suited method for trying to find out the following:

Establishing fundamental policies in line with Hurricane control policies, and Program

Developing concepts of operations span both the control and directions of disasters from
initial supervising via responses to posts disasters, mitigations, and recovery.

There should have definitions of important plans for operations hence defining intrahospital coordination, regulatory mechanisms for coordinating with intents of assisting
deliveries of urgent help.

Emergency Operations Plan should assign precise functional accountability to
appropriate sectors (departments), as well as outline strategy for coordinating with other
locale area hospitals, and any volunteer organizations.

EOP should be designed to aid in coordinating health system's communications, assets,
and resources, security and safeness, responsibilities of the staff and any supporting
activities in case of any emergency.

Some of the agencies involved in this plan include the aligned societal sectors and the
transportation sector thus crucial for control of hurricane. The fundamental responsibility for
management of traffic incidents is inclusive of the transportation Annex usually resting with
local and State authorities and private sector since it owns much of carriage duties.

Conversely, as much as the responses hailing from the Federal governances there should have an
acknowledgment of both the local and State policies linked with transportation and management
plans i...

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