BUSI 30073 Walden University Week 4 Walmart Inc Knowledge Management Case Analysis

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Business Finance

BUSI 30073

Walden University



As you read in Week 4, several business units and organizations have recognized the importance of KM, which streamlines the flow of knowledge within their systems. You may have come across several organizations with effective KM programs while surfing the Internet or reading newspapers, magazines, or journals. This week's Application is based on your review of any such organization in which KM has been realized.

Review, analyze, and summarize the case study you selected in Week 4. Discuss your opinion of the program, its positives, negatives, and benefits with respect to everything you have learned so far on KM in this course. It is not necessary to report everything in the case study—report only on the significant and relevant KM-related information.

You summary should contain the following:

  • The organization or company's name and a brief explanation of what type of business it is
  • The type of KM programs implemented
  • The method of implementation
  • The length of the study, if known
  • The outcomes
Refer to the Week5_Guidelines for Assignments document uploaded in the Doc Sharing section of the classroom for complete details of the assignment.

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Explanation & Answer

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Knowledge Management




Review, analysis, and summary of the case study
Knowledge as a form of competitive advantage used by companies across the world will
always be a critical aspect. Companies will be forced to apply Knowledge Management
strategies to boost the organization’s performance. My case study is based on a multinational
company known as Walmart Inc., which engages in retail, wholesale, and e-commerce business
in over 28 countries. The case study aims at studying the current knowledge management system
within Walmart Inc. The company offers goods and services at everyday low prices. As of 2020,
Walmart’s revenue has grown to $524 billion, with over 2.2 million associates globally (Brunn,
Several stores are run under the Walmart name in different countries across the world.
The company’s vision and mission are to provide its customers with quality and affordable
products and services and to remain the top in offering these services across the globe.
Type of KM Programs implemented.
The type of knowledge management system implemented by Walmart makes it one of
the largest corporations globally. The application of knowledge management in the corporation
is vital to its success. As a business, Walmart has learned to manage the people and the business
services in a well-organized and coherent manner, as reflected in the business objectives. This
way, business performance is highly improved.

Walmart ...

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