While this concept is timeless, different generations may have different views on how this concept looks within the workplace. In addition, changing expectations related to gender influence this concept. For this assignment, imagine you are presenting to a group of human resource professionals at a conference. This group is interested in improving gender and generational conversations at the workplace, so they are interested in different opinions surrounding this topic. You want to take a philosophical approach to this topic, so you decide to use Kant's humanity formula as a guidance
Assignment -Describe the results of two interviews that was conducted with people from different generations. In this medic piece you will highlight some of the different beliefs and values help by the people in different generations, along with some tips for helping a multigenerational workforce work well together.
Part 1 For your interview: After during both interviews record their responses in the spaces provided.
Part 2: Presentation
Once you have completed both of the interviews, create a 5–8-minute audio presentation or 6-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio. which you do the following:
3. Explain how Kant's humanity formula influenced your understanding of the interview.
4. Compare similar themes in the response.
5.Contrast noticeable differences in the responses.
6. Explain how generational differences may have influenced the responses.
7. Explain how changing expectations with gender influenced the responses.
You may choose the format of your presentation. Some suggestions are:
- A 6-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio.
-A 5-8 minute presentation recorded using Kaltura, a program offered by Capella that records audio and video. Refer to the Audio and Video in this Course section of the Tools and Resources page for more information.
- References List
Explanation & Answer
How Kant's Humanity Formula
Influenced Understanding
Kant humanity Formula
It takes regard on how we treat others.
In this case, humans must be treated well enough by
others and everyone.
I came to understand that how we treat others should
never be based on what they offer in return (Audi,
This informs me one the need for equality
Themes in the response
Every human being has a value is a key relational
In this regard, every person needs to have the believe
that they have value.
They should also have a belief that t...