Answer question sheet please

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University of Calgary


- Attached is the worksheet of short questions about U.S History since 1877.

- Write a paragraph for each question/topic (4-6 sentences).

- You can use all the resources you'd like in order to answer the questions.

- You can also refer to this online textbook below for your answers:

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Study Guide Use the online textbook, American Yawp, to help you answer the questions for each chapter: 16. Capital and Labor • How did industrialization remake the American economy? • Why were so many working-class Americans discontented during the Gilded Age? 17. Conquering the West • Why did Americans embrace a romanticized vision of the American West in the late nineteenth century? How close was this image to reality? 18. Life in Industrial America • Explain some of the issues that reformers and activists were attempting to change politically, socially, and economically during the Gilded Age. • How did the era of industrialization transform American culture? 19. American Empire • How did American foreign policy change between 1865 – 1914? • How was the question of immigration tied up with American imperialism? 20. The Progressive Era • What impact did the Progressive Era have on African Americans and women? • Describe the Progressive Era and its significance. 21. World War I & Its Aftermath • Why did the United States enter World War I? • How did World War I affect Americans, especially women, African Americans, and opponents of the war? 22. The New Era • What groups challenged traditional social patterns in the 1920s? Choose at least two different groups to discuss in your post. • Is it reasonable to describe the 1920s as a site of “culture wars?” 23. The Great Depression • How did the New Deal reorient Americans’ relationship to government? 24. World War II • How did World War II affect racial and gender relations on the home front? What conflicting visions emerged? • How did World War II transform America’s standing in the world? 25. The Cold War • What were the origins of the Cold War? • How did the Cold War shape American life? 26. The Affluent Society • What were the contradictions of the Affluent Society? • How did American life change in the 1950s? 27. The Sixties • How are the 1960s remembered? • What animated so much of the energy of the 1960s? 28. The Unraveling • In what ways did the United States “unravel” during this time period? • What became of the idealism of the 1960s? 29. The Triumph of the Right • Did the New Right accomplish its policy goals? • How did the New Right shift political discourse in the United States? 30. The Recent Past • What are some of the major shifts in recent American history? • What emerging trends have developed in recent American history?
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