SCI 201 University of Phoenix Biology Worksheet

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SCI 201

University of Phoenix



Complete the following attached chart IN YOUR OWN WORDS.It will be ran thru a plagiarism checker, thanks. There is no addtional info, thanks.

  1. Due to the high number of dietary supplements available to the general population, it can be hard to know where to start or what works best for certain health issues. A good place to begin is to familiarize yourself with some more popular supplements available.
    Access the Information for Consumers on Using Dietary Supplements page on the FDA website.
    Read the following under Additional Information Other Agencies:
    • "Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets"
    • "Herbs at a Glance"

    Use the information to complete the Common Herb Chart (attached) using this information and other internet resources.

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SCI/201 v7 Common Herb Chart Complete the following table using resources from the course. Include the following information for each herb: • • • Definition/description of the herb Potential side effects or possible adverse reactions that could occur with the use of the herb References used Name of herb What is it? What does it do? What are the possible side effects? Glucosamine Echinacea Garlic Ginger Ginkgo Biloba Kava Lavender St. John’s Wort Fish oil Other Copyright© 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. What resource did you use to find this information?
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Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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SCI/201 v7

Common Herb Chart
Complete the following table using resources from the course. Include the following information for each

Definition/description of the herb
Potential side effects or possible adverse reactions that could occur with the use of the herb
References used

Name of herb





What is it?

What does it do?

What are the
possible side

What resource did
you use to find this

The chemical
naturally occurs in
the human body.
However, some
exist in other places
such as shells of

Its use as a dietary
supplement is seen
in the treatment of
osteoarthritis and
reduces the
development of
heart diseases

It might
increase the
development of
diabetes and


It exists in 9 different
species. The purple
coneflower is native
to North America.

It is believed to
stimulate ...

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