Complete a 4 page (1200 word minimum) essay APA Format
Select a recent event from the media (other that what has been used in prior assignments) and compare similarities and differences in the communication that was directed towards print media, electronic media, employee relations, government relations, consumer relations, and international relations where applicable. You must include at least two different types of media in your analysis.
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Explanation & Answer

Running head: MEDIA EVENT
The killing of George Floyd Media Analysis
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The killing of George Floyd Media Analysis
The issue of racism has resurfaced in the United States following the death of 46 years
old George Floyd. He is a black American man murdered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after being
apprehended for using a fake bill. A police officer was kneeling on his neck for almost eight
minutes while Floyd was handicapped and lying down, begging for his life, claiming that he
could not breathe. The policemen ignored the by-passers' pleas to remove his knee until the
medics requested him to do so. From the autopsy conducted, it was found that the cause of his
death was murder, and the four policemen were fired. This occurrence triggered protests against
brutality by the policemen, racism, and lack of accountability by the policemen. The untimely
death of George Floyd has revealed an ugly reality, and his death has been television throughout
social media.
Critically, the killing of George Floyd, prompted widespread unrest across the U.S in a
very short time facilitated by the media. Notably, information about the brutal act by
Minneapolis police on 25th May 2020, portrayed not only minority oppression in the U.S but
also the brutality of police through a clear video circulated globally within minutes (Walker,
2020). The availability of the graphics enhanced clarity for both the print and electronic media.
The media played a significant role in relaying crucial information regarding the killing and
subsequent protests. The print media provided frequent updates and pictures related to the
subject while the electronic media contained video clips and live coverage of events before,
during, and after the incident. Notably, technological advancements have enabled robust internet
connectivity and boosted the relevance of smart gadgets. As a result, most of the world
population, especially in the U.S, has developed a desperate reliance on electronic media, which
now dominates the industry. Nonetheless, the print media remains relevant, given its
affordability, accessibility, and simplicity.
Similarities and differences in communication of the story
The police killing of George Floyd was reported by around two million news items in
Minneapolis. The media across the U.S suffered external and internal challenges due to
misreporting or underreporting about the incidence. Both the print media and the electronic
media explained events as they unfolded, trying to argue the social and psychological aspects.
Chiefly, they provided reliable updates and emerging details in a reasonable time. Given that the
incidence had gained enormous public interest, the media embarked on a research and content
creation on the latest updates. Notably, both the print and electronic media relied on consistent
information on the developments with minor contradictions in the initial stages. Specifically,
CNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal had headlines on George's
killing (Cross, 2020). Although the print and electronic media use a different mechanism to reach
the audience, they collectively enable information sharing to the farthest points within a short
timeframe. Notably, both the electronic and print media covered their message through
illustrations of the policeman kneeling on George's neck. The use of these images helped the
audience learn about the victim, the felon, and ...