MATH 160 CC Statics Module Dotplots Cereal Comparisson Discussion

User Generated



MAth 160

Cuyamaca College



Module 4 - Dotplots (8 of 22 discussion 1) - Mod 4 Group 3

From 2020FA-MATH-160-1325

22 unread replies.22 replies.

DISCUSSION online class.png

Learn by Doing

WARNING: Please do not continue without clicking on the Learn-by-Doing link in the previous sentence and reading every word!


Use descriptions of shape, center, and spread to compare the distribution of calories in adult and child cereals.

Stacked dotplots (child cereals, adult cereals)


To view the grading rubric for this discussion board, click on menu icon (three vertical dots) and then select show rubric. Please note, if viewing the course via the Canvas mobile app the rubric does not appear on this page.

checkmark.png Tips for Success

  • To post your initial post, click the "reply" button at the top of the introduction thread below.
  • You are required to reply to two of your peers in this discussion; don't forget to complete this requirement of the activity or you will lose points. Provide high-quality feedback to your peers.

Under Learn by Doing link 

Learn by Doing Discussions

Directions for the Assigned Group Discussions

Submit your initial post:

  • Address all items in the discussion prompt with your initial post (be sure to number your answers clearly).
  • If directed to do so, embed all required StatCrunch output  in your initial post (do not submit StatCrunch output as an attachment).
  • All pertinent StatCrunch directions will be provided in context.
  • You were randomly assigned to a group for all discussions in the current module. However, you will not be able to see responses from other students in your group until you post your initial response to the discussion prompt.

Review other responses and reply to self with corrections:

  • After you post your initial response, continue to the ANSWER(S) page and review your instructor's response.
  • Return to the discussion and read the responses from others in your group.
  • We all learn from mistakes (our own and our classmates' mistakes). So, please do not correct your mistakes immediately. If possible, wait until you receive feedback from at least one other group member, then reply to your own initial post with your corrections. Please do not create a new thread for your corrections.

Provide high-quality feedback:

  • Provide high-quality feedback to two of your group-mates. WARNING: To earn full-credit for the assignment, every student in your group must receive high-quality feedback from at least two distinct group-mates. Keep in mind, that a student's reply to self with a correct does NOT count as feedback.
  • Here is a PDF with the features of high-quality feedback (Links to an external site.).

Here are the requirements for the group to earn credit for this discussion. By the due date:

  1. Commit a good-faith effort in responding to the above prompt in your initial post.
    1. Your response to the discussion prompt must be based on the reading and Module content.
    2. All of your answers to the prompt must be included in in your initial reply to this discussion.
  2. Read ALL initial posts with your group-mates' responses to the discussion prompt.
  3. Make a good-faith effort to provide high quality feedback  to at least two different group-mates. The group will earn a higher grade if the feedback helps students make necessary corrections to their initial answers.
  4. Carefully read all the feedback your group-mates gave you.
  5. If necessary, respond to yourself and make corrections to your initial answer(s). Be sure to make corrections in your own words; copying is plagiarism.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Comparing the shapes of the two graphs, the distribution of cereals for both an adult and a child looks
symmetrical. Both shapes have a central peak. This shows that the two graphs are normally distributed.
The two graphs are bell shaped with tails in both directions that is left and right. The calories are
concentrated at the center.
Comparing ...

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