University of Nairobi People with Intellectual Disabilities Labels Paper

User Generated



University of Nairobi


The question is : Research different labels used for those with intellectual disabilities. What steps might we take to eliminate the R-word?

Read the following link and then write half a page in a simple way

thats all thanks

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Explanation & Answer

Hope this is what you were looking for, good luck on the assignment!

Course Name
In order to achieve a truly inclusive society for all words like retarded need to be
shunned when used to stigmatize a person’s mental ability. I don’t think that we need to
eliminate the ‘r word.’ Rather we as a society need to ostracize those people who choose to use
it in contexts that are targeted towards people with intellectual disabilities. I think that the
word retarded can be used properly, even in academic environments. One example is when a
group is working on a project and their progress is retarded for some reason. It is the same idea
with the word gay which traditionally meant f...

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