Ashford University Chapter 2 Diversity in Organizations Reflection Paper

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Business Finance

ashford university


assigned readings

Chapter 2:  Diversity in Organizations

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate how workplace discrimination undermines diversity effectiveness.
  2. Explain how stereotypes function in organizational settings.
  3. Describe how key biographical characteristics are relevant to organizational behavior (OB).
  4. Explain how other differentiating characteristics factor into OB.
  5. Demonstrate the relevance of intellectual and physical abilities to OB.
  6. Describe how organizations manage diversity effectively.

actual assignment  500 words apa

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Despite increases in diversity training programs, outcomes are not consistently leading to increases of diversity within upper management. What might be the reason for this phenomenon and how might it be addressed? 

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Explanation & Answer



Diversity in Organizations
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Diversity in organizations
Diversity in the organization is one of the most discussed issues in the organization. This
chapter introduces us to what diversity is in the organization as it shows us how unique
employees are and how organizations should work around this. One of the most important things
learned from this chapter the different levels of diversity in an organization. We often classify
diversity as differences in age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and disability status. This chapter,
however, shows that there is so much more to this (Robbins, 2003). It was interesting how the
biographic ...

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