Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Discussion

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It has been twenty years since traditional welfare was reformed into TANF. After researching the current state of TANF and Welfare Reform, discuss in a 3-5 page (written material) APA formatted paper, the changes that have occurred and if they have met the original goals of moving people away from poverty. Also discuss how societal stigma and oppression continue to be an effect of TANF. Finally, include your own analysis of potential changes of policy for the future. Please follow Research Rubric attached below.

Resources for Assessment:

This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Explain cultural norms and experiences that lead to stratification in society and different levels of vulnerability, Discuss the deficits and strengths of different vulnerable client populations, Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using correct English grammar, punctuation, usage, mechanics, sentence structure, and vocabulary, and Use appropriate APA format for scholarly writings.

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Research Rubric: 50 Points (2) Research Rubric: 50 Points (2) Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizat ion This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopm ent Ratings 8.0 to >7.0 pts Satisfactor y Reveals a restricted understandi ng of the proposed topic. Pts 10.0 to >9.0 pts Distinguish ed Reveals a solid understandin g of the proposed topic as evidenced by preliminary research and knowledge. 9.0 to >8.0 pts Proficient Identifies significant details of the proposed topic. Reveals an adequate understandi ng of the topic as evidenced by the amount of preliminary research. 7.0 to >6.0 pts Emergin g Adds little detail to describe the proposed topic. 6.0 to >0 pts Unsatisfacto ry Does not identify the proposed topic. 10.0 to >9.0 pts Distinguishe d graphs. Sequencing enhances ideas and meaning. Ideas focused on central theme. 9.0 to >8.0 pts Proficient Smooth transition between paragraph with adequate structure and sequencin g of ideas. 8.0 to >7.0 pts Satisfactor y Transition between most paragraphs with limited paragraph structure. Sequence is not logical. 7.0 to >6.0 pts Emergin g Some transition with poor paragrap h structure and some evidence of planning. 6.0 to >0 pts Unsatisfactor y No transition between paragraphs, ideas not in logical order. No structure to paragraphs. 10.0 to >9.0 pts Distinguishe d Ideas focus on the central theme. All ideas are clearly presented and unified. 9.0 to >8.0 pts Proficien t Central theme is matched to the topic, most ideas 8.0 to >7.0 pts Satisfactor y Ideas are clear. Some ideas address the central theme. Central 7.0 to >6.0 pts Emergin g Few idea address central theme. Ideas ramble and are 6.0 to >0 pts Unsatisfactor y Does not follow the theme with muddles unclear ideas. 10.0 p ts 10.0 p ts 10.0 p ts Research Rubric: 50 Points (2) Criteria Ratings explore the central theme, clear and unified. This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventio ns This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style Total Points: 50.0 10.0 to >9.0 pts Distinguish ed No errors noted. 10.0 to >9.0 pts Distinguishe d No errors noted. Pts theme is linked to the topic. difficult to identify. 9.0 to >8.0 pts Proficient 1 error sentence structure capitalizati on grammar presentatio n -general structure 8.0 to >7.0 pts Satisfactor y 2-3 errors sentence structure capitalizati on grammar presentatio n -general structure 7.0 to >6.0 pts Emerging 4-5 errors sentence structure capitalizati on grammar presentatio n -general structure 9.0 to >8.0 pts Proficien t 1 error cover page -in text citations reference page general format 8.0 to >7.0 pts Satisfactor y 2-3 errors cover page -in text citations reference page general format 7.0 to >6.0 pts Emergin g 4-5 errors -cover page -in text citations reference page general format 6.0 to >0 pts Unsatisfacto ry Multiple errors sentence structure capitalization -grammar presentation -general structure 6.0 to >0 pts Unsatisfactor y Several errors in: -cover page -in text citations reference page -general format 10.0 p ts 10.0 p ts
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Here it is

TANF Assignment; Paper Outline
A brief introduction of the paper.
The changes that have occurred
Numerous changes have occurred as a result of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TANF has led to most of the initial beneficiaries of traditional welfare getting jobs.
Therefore, this means that the statuses of these people have changed in that they no longer
depend on the government's financial aid to sustain themselves and their families.
There is also a change in the percentage of poor families that receive financial assistance
from the government.
The change in percentage has been attributed to the flexibility that was bestowed on states.
States can now decide how to use their welfare dollars and even the families that such
financial aid is given, contrary to what existed before the TANF.
TANF program has also brought the change of qualifications intervals.
Initially, people could qualify for government financial aid for as long as they have a
meaningful income.
With TANF, individuals today do not qualify for financial aid from the government for more
than one year consecutively and a maximum of five years.
There has also been a change in how welfare money is spent.
Whether original goals of TANF have been met

Close scrutiny asserts that TANF and its changes have not met the original goals of moving
people away from poverty.
This is because families who are not among those who got employment continue to suffer in
poverty, and this was also noted by Fessler and Lehman and Haberman.
Haberman also indicates that poverty levels have not decreased in the United States despite
the introduction of TANIF that overhauled traditional welfare.
The effects of TANIF; societal stigma and oppression
Haberman has noted that one of the effects of TANIF is oppression.
This is because beneficiaries of TANIF tend to be oppressed even after getting employment.
He notes that such employees are paid meager wages, making it hard for them to cater to
personal needs and maintain their families.
TANIF welfare also has the effects of societal stigma.
The beneficiaries of welfare are viewed as indolent, as most of the taxpayin...

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