UDC Entry Level Security Administrator Discussion

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Computer Science

University of the District of Columbia


Assume you are an entry-level security administrator working for Always Fresh. You have been asked to evaluate the option of adding Active Directory to the company’s network.

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Project: Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment Part 1: Active Directory Recommendations Scenario Assume you are an entry-level security administrator working for Always Fresh. You have been asked to evaluate the option of adding Active Directory to the company’s network. Tasks Create a summary report to management that answers the following questions to satisfy the key points of interest regarding the addition of Active Directory to the network: 1. System administrators currently create users on each computer where users need access. In Active Directory, where will system administrators create users? 2. How will the procedures for making changes to the user accounts, such as password changes, be different in Active Directory? 3. What action should administrators take for the existing workgroup user accounts after converting to Active Directory? 4. How will the administrators resolve differences between user accounts defined on different computers? In other words, if user accounts have different settings on different computers, how will Active Directory address that issue? (Hint: Consider security identifiers [SIDs].) Required Resources ▪ ▪ Internet access Course textbook Submission Requirements ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible) Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space Citation Style: APA Length: 2 to 4 pages Self-Assessment Checklist ▪ ▪ ▪ I addressed all questions required for the summary report. I created a well-developed and formatted report with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I followed the submission guidelines.
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Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment Part 1: Active Directory Recommendations




Securing a Microsoft Windows Environment Part 1: Active Directory Recommendations
Due to the security reasons in the world of information technology, various technologies
have been developed. Active Directory (AD), developed by Microsoft, eases or enables the
management of devices, mostly computers, on a network (Microsoft, 2017). In other words, a
corporation can be able to manage the devices in their respective networks using AD. As a result,
misuse of corporation’s devices is discouraged.
To deploy AD, one must install Windows Server and promote it to a DC (Domain
Controller), and AD Direct Service bits. AD doesn’t allow one to create users o...

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