Cumberland University Explicit Technology Policy Discussion

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Computer Science

Cumberland University


1-Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence. Why or why not?

2-In order to have a successful IG program, one of the eight (8) Information Risk Planning and Management step is to develop metrics and measure results. From your required readings, discuss the value that metrics brings to the organization, and identify critical measures of success that should be tracked.

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Explanation & Answer


Outline: Explicit Technology Policy
Thesis statement: Current trends in technological improvement are essential in application to
our global economy.
❖ These exact strategies entail a significant premium on motivating technological

advancement that relies on market allocation of resources with a continuous current flow.
❖ A president's change in communication means made the world a small place of the
economy as far as business is concerned.
❖ An important aspect that ensures the overall business has been displaced down the sales
to the new customers and improved the existing customer's experience to improve on the
profit percent.
❖ This product provides the service of enhancing sales and categorizes the critical
information of the organization.
❖ Metrics ensure safety and track the increase in efficiency to reduce complaints with more
significant profit gain.
❖ Metrics should reflect the support of various strategies for all aspects of an organization

that includes marketing, competition, financing standards, or customer's expectations.


Explicit Technology Policy

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Explicit Technology Policy
Current trends in technological improvement are essential in application to our global
economy. These exact strategies entail a significant premium on motivating technological
advancement that relies on market allocation of resources with a continuous current flow. On the
other hand, countries need to include explicit specialized policies that will govern their
companies in ensuring the division of social and economic activities that promote decisions on
the future direction of technological development. It leads to the new economy and orders the
structural changes that mark the increase of goods and services across the national, regional
border (Conceição et al., 2017).
Similarly, changes affecting the remarks' policies entail the cost of production and
increasing limitation on proportion according to the technological implication on statistics and
self-readiness. Besides, metrics trucks the improvement of overall result aligned people process
within the organization. It entails an objective that measures financial performance and keeps the
company's cash flow (Forrest, 2019). Despite the information risk planning and management
step of metrics, metrics benefit an organization by explaining its employees' role and
understanding its influence with a targeted policy to reduce complaints and increase their profit.
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