HSA 4421 FNU Wk 2 Health Policy Making Health Care Presentation

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Business Finance

HSA 4421

Florida National University



exercise 1.

Students will ask to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation that includes the assigned readings along with at least 3 additional readings.

exercise 2.

  1. Describe the trial process.
  2. Describe the various corporate duties of healthcare organizations.
  3. Describe common medical errors involving patient assessment, diagnosis, treatment, discharge, and follow-up care.

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Florida National University HSA-4421 Legal Aspect and Legislation in HealthCare: Assignment Week 2 Student PowerPoint Presentation: Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 Objectives: The presentation assignment has several goals. It requires students to apply concepts from law and Legislation, dealing with demanding patients and creating office presentations in Healthcare Institutions. The process of create a PowerPoint will allow students to practice close the advantages, potential subject of the presentation for the office and choosing specific topics to take the opportunity to educate, a skill they will be using as Healthcare Administrator. In addition, presenters learn as they teach others and contribute multiple critical perspectives to class discussion. Format and Guidelines: The student will create a Power Point Presentation from Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 of the Textbook Please Choose your desire topic form these chapters. The Presentation should have a minimum of 12 slides, including Title Page, Introduction, Conclusion, and References. The student must use other textbooks, research papers, and articles as references (minimum 3). Due date: Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 11:00PM. EACH PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Title Page: Topic Name, Student Name 2. Introduction: Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of the topic you choose, in your own words 3. Content Body: Progress your theme, provide Material, illustrations and Diagram to explain, describe and clarify the Topic you choose. 4. Conclusion: Briefly summarize your thoughts & conclusion to your critique of the articles and Chapter you read. 5. References: The student must use other textbooks, research papers, and articles as references (minimum 3). ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday, September 13, 2020 Dr. Gisela Llamas Florida National University HSA-4421 Legal Aspect and Legislation in HealthCare: Assignment Week 2 Student PowerPoint Presentation: Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9. Grading Sheet Student Name __________________________________ Category Possible Points Presentation style and content. 3 Distributed bibliography w/ 3 additional readings 2 Inclusion of diversity content Pictures, Graphic, etc. 2 Length: Minimum 12 slides 1 Required Format 2 TOTAL 10 Dr. Gisela Llamas Date_____________________ Actual Points ASSIGNMENT GRADING SYSTEM A 90% - 100% B+ 85% - 89% B 80% - 84% C+ 75% - 79% C 70% - 74% D 60% – 69% F 50% - 59% Or less. Originality: Turnitin submission required Dr. Gisela Llamas
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Running Head: HEALTHCARE


Institutional Affiliation



Describe the trial process
The trial process or the clinical process has five phases. The first phase, which is called
phase 0, includes studying how the body will process the drug and its effect on the body. The
second trial is called the phase 1, where they start administering the drug in a lower dose and see
if there are any side effects on it. After this followed the phase 2, where the drug is tested on the
larger scale of participants, especially the cancer patients, still aiming the effectivity and the
safety of the drug. Phase 3 involves comparing a drug to the standard drug of care and
breakdown, which type of drugs has fewer side effects and safer. The last phase is phase 4,
wherein the FDA tests the drug to be approved. It is usually being tested on thousands of people
to further figure out its efficacy and safety.
Describe the various corporate duties of healthcare organizations
Running a health care organization is a role that requires team support from all the
employees in an organization. It is very significant that all team members, whether on the
management, medical staff, or board, recognize the role of governance and what effective
governance entails (Buchbinder, Shanks, & Kite, 2019). Leadership structures are designed by
the corporates of health organizations to fill all the organization's needs proficiently. The
relationship between the employees in those roles makes it work for the good of the stakeholders.
Therefore, the corporate duties of these health organizations include policy making, decision
making, and oversight.


Policies are decisions intended to solve glitches and enhance the way of life to make an
organization survive in the foreseeable future. It’s used to express focus and distinguish



responsibilities among the board, the medical staff, and the management. Policies are
a crucial component of any organization. They are essential as they address the appropriate

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