University of Phoenix Is Healthcare a Right or A Privilege Questions

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Health Medical

University of Phoenix


Answer both questions in 150-250 words with one scholarly reference for each question. Answer them separately

1) What health care providers are the major players in the U.S. health care system? What are the positive and negative effects of the often-conflicting self-interests and lack of regulation on these players?

2) Is health care a right or a privilege? Explain your thoughts using a scholarly resource.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: HEALTHCARE


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Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

Healthcare is a human right and not a privilege. This is because the healthcare system
aims at improving people's health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various
diseases and ailments. The nation mandates that each citizen should pay taxes to the
government to enable it to provide public services to its people. Thus, healthcare is a public
service that should be provided by the government to its citizens. When someone is denied
access to healthcare because of their inability to pay, then that is an injustice by the
government to its citizens (Maruthappu et al., 2013). Rights are fundamental rules that dictate
what people are allowed to do or what is owed to people according to the legal system of law.
Privilege, on the other hand, is an entitlement to something granted only on a c...

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