Math 4700 UMC Advanced Calculus Worksheet

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math 4700

University of Missouri - Columbia



1.  (5 pts) Prove using the definition of the limit (findN(?) for every?) thatlimn??2n2+ 13n2?1=23.

2.  (5 pts) Which of the following statements imply that the sequence{xn}is bounded?  Prove your answer.

(A) There exist? >0 anda?Rso that for everyn?Nsatisfyingn >100?we have|xn?a|< ?.

(B) There existsa?Rsuch that for every? >0 we have|xn?a|< ?for alln?Nsatisfyingn <100?.

(C) There exist? >0 anda?Rso that we have|xn?a|< ?foreveryn?Nsatisfyingn <100?.

(D) There exists? >0 such that for everya?(??,?10)?(10,?)we have|xn?a|> ?for everyn?Nsatisfyingn >100?.

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QUIZ 2. ADVANCED CALCULUS 1, FALL 2020 1. (5 pts) Prove using the definition of the limit (find N (ε) for every ε) that 2n2 + 1 2 lim = . 2 n→∞ 3n − 1 3 2. (5 pts) Which of the following statements imply that the sequence {xn } is bounded? Prove your answer. (A) There exist ε > 0 and a ∈ R so that for every n ∈ N satisfying n > 100 we have |xn − a| < ε. ε (B) There exists a ∈ R such that for every ε > 0 we have |xn − a| < ε for all n ∈ N satisfying n < 100 . ε (C) There exist ε > 0 and a ∈ R so that we have |xn − a| < ε for . every n ∈ N satisfying n < 100 ε (D) There exists ε > 0 such that for every a ∈ (−∞, −10) ∪ (10, ∞) we have |xn − a| > ε for every n ∈ N satisfying n > 100 . ε 3. (5 pts) Suppose that two sequences {xn } and {yn } converge to the same limit a ∈ R. Define a sequence {zn } by z2n = xn , z2n−1 = −yn for all n ∈ N. For which numbers a does the sequence {zn } converge? Prove your answer. 1
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Explanation & Answer


 1  
2n2 + 1 2
Note that n  1( 5n + 3  9n2 ) and   0      + 1  1 . We have lim 2
= by definition:
n →+ 3n − 1
     
2n2 + 1 2 3 ( 2n + 1) − 2 ( 3n − 1)
n  N ( ) =   + 1 
− =
 
 .
3n − 1 3
3 3n − 1
3 3n − 1 n N ( )

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