HUM 5210 Ashford University Week 2 Recruiting and Training Volunteers Discussion

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HUM 5210

ashford university



You will have 14 days to do these papers in. There is not a lot three of them no more then 500 words, and the final will only need you to a 1000 word

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Week 2 - Assignment • • • Due Sep 28 by 11:59pm Points 12 Submitting an external tool Recruiting and Training Volunteers In the past two weeks you have explored the importance of recruiting and training volunteers for an organization. Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in your community. • • First, identify the types of volunteers that the organization uses (or could use). o Evaluate at least three different recruitment methods that could be used for these volunteers. o Identify the best method the organization could use to recruit volunteers. Next, identify two of the commonly used volunteer training programs. o Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen programs. o Detail how these training methods could be used for the volunteers. Your paper should be 1,050-1,400 words (3-4 pages) in length, not including the title page, formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Provide specific examples to illustrate your conclusions using a minimum of three credible sources, also cited in accordance with APA guidelines. Week 4 - Assignment • • • Due Oct 12 by 11:59pm Points 12 Submitting an external tool Volunteer Rewards and Recognition Programs Select one published article from a peer-reviewed journal that addresses a current issue in volunteer rewards and recognition programs. Write a summary of the article, including an overview of the content, the publication year, the length (number of pages), the purpose or hypothesis, the method, design or procedures, and a discussion of the findings or conclusions. Then, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article, considering the value of its findings to a volunteer manager and to volunteers, and include any other relevant thoughts or observations that you might have. Critically analyze the article in light of the readings you have done in your text and additional sources. Your paper should be 1,050-1,400 words (3-4 pages) in length, not including the title and reference pages, and formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Provide specific examples to illustrate your conclusions using a minimum of three credible sources, also cited in accordance with APA guidelines. Point Value: 12 Points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2 Week 5 - Learning Activity Submit Assignment • • • Due Oct 19 by 11:59pm Points 12 Submitting a file upload Volunteer Risk Management Tutorial Go to the Pitney (2013) article in Week 5 Required Resources. This information will enhance your understanding of the risks associated with volunteerism. After you have completed the reading, • • • Consider how these will influence your upcoming or existing work in volunteer management, and write a short reflective journal entry describing your thinking on this. How has this new information changed how you might manage the risks associated with volunteerism? What open questions do you still have in this regard? Week 6 - Assignment • • • Due Oct 26 by 11:59pm Points 26 Submitting an external tool Proposal for a Volunteer Program Imagine that you have recently accepted a position as the new Volunteer Administrator at Difference Today Nonprofit (hypothetical). Because of your expertise, you have been hired to establish the volunteer program. Develop a proposal describing your volunteer program and how you see yourself working as the Volunteer Administrator for Difference Today Nonprofit. This is an organization struggling with recruiting, retaining, and coaching volunteers. The organization is wellfunded by a for-profit company and has experienced great success, but has never established a strong volunteer program. You are the first Volunteer Administrator that the organization has hired. Your role will be to assess how to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create and manage the volunteer program. Prepare the organization prior to launching the program. Develop a strategy for recruiting and retaining volunteers. Train and develop volunteers. Develop policies and procedures for the volunteer program. Evaluate the effectiveness of the volunteer program. Your volunteer program proposal should include a section corresponding to each of the above six issues. Support your recommendations in each section, where appropriate, with research or examples from scholarly and credible professional sources. In addition, since you are responsible for developing the comprehensive program to be rolled out in the next six months, a timeline for important functions and milestones should be included in its own section of the proposal. It will help to think in terms of what is in the best interest of Difference Today Nonprofit, the volunteers, and the support staff. Your paper should be 2,800-3,500 words (8-10 pages) in length, not including the title page, abstract, and reference sections. You should use and cite a minimum of 10 scholarly and credible professional sources in support of your proposal. All sections of your paper, including references, must follow APA guidelines.
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Volunteer Assignment Week 4
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Institutional Affiliation




Week 4: Volunteer Reward and Recognition Programs
This section reviews a 15-page article on rewarding volunteers effectively and affordably
on the perspective of egoism and altruism. This study examines the reasons for individuals to
volunteer and focuses on motivation and the role that rewards play in retaining volunteers. The
article begins by reviewing past researches on the effectiveness of reward systems in
organizations by scrutinizing earlier reaches on altruism and egoism as factors that trigger
individuals to volunteer. According to the article, egoism is said to motivate behavior for selfenhancing and enrichment of a volunteer, while altruism is a selfless form of motivation (Phillips
& Phillips, 2011).
This particular research recruited 613 participants through emails. The participants were
asked whether rewards defined their ratings as volunteers with their specific organizations. They
were also asked whether highly rated rewards carried significant meaning to their capacity as
volunteers. The "analysis of variance" method was applied in rating participants' preferences in
regard to the issue of rewards. Recruitment and retention of volunteers is a continuous challenge
because of the complexities involved in rating volunteers. The study established the decision to
volunteers is extremely personal, and individuals may opt to volunteer in a certain capacity but
bore different reasons for taking the direction (Phillips & Phillips, 2011). There is a significantly
huge variance in rewards ratings for distinct individuals because of the initial motive of a person
deciding to volunteer.
This study has its weaknesses because it only focused on one organization. This,
therefore, means that findings from the study should be generalized with a lot of caution because
individuals have varying purposes for volunteering as it depends on the nature of services offered



in an organization. Furthermore, certain specific factors associated with the organization could
have influenced the opinions of the participants, therefore compromising the outcomes of the
research. Also, the list of rewards presented to participants might have omitted items they
considered valuable therefore affecting the ratings of volunteers. The accuracy of this research
also depends exclusively on the ability of the respondents to identify their motivation and
willingness to respond with honesty. This means that bias could influence the outcome of this
research. The research, however, achieved its purpose of demystifying factors that trigger
individuals to take up volunteer roles in organizations by trying to gather their opinions.
This article offers a good basis for understanding factors that motivate individuals to
participate in volunteer programs. Rewards of various kinds are the leading factors for volunteer
participation in non-profitable organizations and could further contribute in retaining volunteers.
However, the motive and attitude of an individual becoming a volunteer in a particular
organization determines their length of stay, activeness and output for the responsibilities they
offer. The cutting edge in the act of volunteering is determined by the effectiveness and
affordability of the volunteer program to the respective organization. Organizations that are in
need of volunteers have to weigh their reward systems to ensure that they do not spend heavily
on rewarding volunteers. Volunteering as a practice should revitalize its intended purposes and
decide the actual rewards required by the organization to attract and retain volunteers while
achieving its goals and objectives.



Phillips, L., & Phillips, M. (2011). Altruism, egoism, or something else: Rewarding volunteers
effectively and affordably. Southern Business Review, 36(1), 23-35.


Volunteer Assignments Week 2
Student’s Name

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