AU Influence of Parenting on Early Childhood Health Discussion

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ashford university



For this assignment, assume that you have been asked by an inner-city charter school to write an article for its quarterly magazine on recent research on child development. Begin by selecting five studies to include in your article. The goal of your article is to justify your choice of the selected studies to the parents by demonstrating that all basic ethical principles, including respect for persons, have been met. Be sure to address the following in your article:

  • Demonstrate that participants were protected from harm and their decisions were respected.
  • Explain how the research you used ensured the well-being of all participants.
  • Ensure that the outcomes emphasized fairness in any distribution of benefits. Most important, however, is your ability to demonstrate that ethnic minorities were included as subjects.

Be sure to write the article, using an informal tone that is appropriate for an audience of parents. Please note that you must still document your sources using APA format.

Support your assignment with your five selected scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Hello buddy, am currently checking for plagiarism. But the assignment is complete



Child Development
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Child development can be described as the physical, cognitive and emotional changes
that will often occur to a child as they grow older from infancy to adulthood. Parents will often
be key in ensuring that their child progress accordingly through passing all child development
stages. As identified earlier on, the process will often encompass physical, cognitive and
emotional changes and as for this we explores several areas as identified from several research
that have been conducted in the past as far as child development is concerned. One of the main
issues that this studies explores is to ensure that previous research had the best interest on the
participants of their research. In addition, the research will compare some of the measures taken
to ensure the wellbeing of all participants. Finally, is to ensure that the article demonstrates its
effectiveness in including ethnic minorities as subject participants.
During childhood development, parents and teacher will often play an instrumental role
more so teachers in shaping the child and ensuring a healthy growth. As a result, understanding
how teacher-rated self-regulation skills will be important in the classroom context. This will be
perceived to directly impact the individual executive functions abilities that can management
kindergarten children. Both cognitive and behavioral competencies as children join school is a
clear indicator of short and long term academic success (Finders, McClelland, Geldhof,
Rothwell, & Hatfield, 2020). In addition, they further claim that despite evidence of readiness to
school, there are gaps which is often bas...

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