GWU Israeli Palestinian Conflict Discussion

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George Washington University


Analyze the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict today and into the near future using a realist, liberal, and constructivist underpinning for development of strategic approaches by first the Israelis, and second, the Palestinians. Use the Art and Jervis readings to support your arguments.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is one of the historically controversial and longestrunning wars between two self-determined movements. At its heart, the Palestinian and Jewish
Zionist projects lay their claim on the same territory. However, the claim is just on the face
because the conflict is more than that because the two warring sides and their defenders litigate
every detail and fact. On this note, the paper will analyze the Israeli-Palestinian war today and in
the future using a realist, liberal, and constructivist foundation for the development of strategic
approaches by the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Today
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to people believing that a real two-state solution is
dead, making an equitable one-state solution impossible (Art & Jervis, 2007). From a realist
approach, Israel and its passionate supporters’ occupation to the war has gone too far. It is
inexcusable that today, the country has failed to forge peace, and the promises are becoming
even unbelievable for its allies. It has control over Palestinians' lives, movement, and leadership,
making it the sovereign and owner of an entire nation. All outside pressure and resistance have
already been deflected, and Israel has the upper hand in this conflict, implying that it can end it at
any time. How the country plans to manage this state of affairs, other people, and still be in line
with its ideals will determine who and what it has become because Palestinians are going
nowhere. For Palestinians, it is a matter of accepting or refusing to be treated unequally in Israel
in some parts of the West Bank, Gaza, and diaspora regions. Today, realists know that hopes of
becoming an independent state have c...

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