University of the Sacred Heart Enfermería Cuidado en El Proceso De Muerte Questions

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University of the Sacred Heart


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Guía de Estudios #7 El Cuidado de Enfermería en el Proceso de Muerte Instrucciones: Luego de la lectura cuidadosa del tema “Loss and Grieving” en el Capítulo 40 del libro de texto, paginas 1286-1310, contesta cada una de las siguientes preguntas. 1. Define los conceptos pérdida, duelo, luto, duelo anticipado, agonía, muerte y duelo disfuncional. 2. Enumera y describe los tipos de pérdidas. 3. Explica cuáles son los tipos de respuestas al duelo. 4. Enumera y explica los modelos de perdida y duelo de Engel’s, KublerRoss, Parkes’s y Demi’s. 5. Enumera y explica las fases del duelo. 6. Menciona y explica, ¿cuáles son los factores que afectan las respuestas de las personas ante la pérdida y duelo? 7. Explica cuáles son las principales manifestaciones funcionales que ocurren en el individuo durante el duelo: cognitivas, emocionales, físicas y sociales. 8. ¿Cuáles son los tipos y signos de muerte? 9. Menciona que aspectos culturales y tradiciones que el enfermero debe considerar en el proceso de pérdida y duelo. 10. ¿Cuáles son las áreas de estimado de mayor relevancia al ofrecer cuidado de enfermería a cliente y familia en el proceso de pérdida y duelo? 11. Enumera y explica tres diagnósticos de enfermería reales y uno a riesgo, que pueden ser utilizados con el cliente-familia que enfrenta el proceso de pérdida y duelo. 12. Señala al menos 5 intervenciones de enfermería para cada uno de los diagnósticos enumerados en la pregunta anterior. © Profa. Nancy Green, RN, MSN 2018 Your assignment will be graded based on this rubric. Rubric Study Guide Rubric Excellent 4 points Very Good 3 points Satisfacto ry 2 points Deficient 1 point Not Present 0 points Include in the task a cover with identificatio n of the institution and the program, name and student number of each participant, and date of delivery. Include in the task a cover with identificati on of the institution and the program, name and student number of each participant. Include in the task a cover with identificatio n of the institution and the program, and name of students. Include in the task a cover with identification of the institution and the program. Student did not complete assignmen t and delivery in the period assigned. Student answered all (100%) of the guide questions correctly. Student fully demonstrate s comprehensi on of the reading. Student answered 80% of the guide questions correctly. Student comprehen ds main idea of the reading. Student answered at least half of the guide questions correctly. Student did not answer most guide question assignment correctly. Student did not answer most guide question assignmen t correctly. All the answers were written in complete sentences. The students included evidence of additional references and cite About 80% or more of the answers were written in complete sentences. The students About 70% o more of the answers were written in complete sentences. Sometimes included evidence of additional references About 50% o less of the answers were written in complete sentences. Not included evidence of additional references and cite author using APA. Student did not complete assignmen t and delivery in the period assigned. 40 possible points Presentation --/4 points Formality of the written presentation. Completion --/4 points Number of questions successfully completed Type of Responses --/4 points Response to questions are written in complete sentences. Rubric Study Guide Rubric Excellent 4 points Very Good 3 points Satisfacto ry 2 points Deficient 1 point Not Present 0 points author using APA. included evidence of additional references and cite author using APA. and cite author using APA. En addition to textbook, it presents evidence of at least search of three professional literature of the more recent nursing discipline (5 years or less of published) related to the subject and the course. It presents evidence of search at least of two profession al literature of the more recent nursing discipline (5 years or less of published) related to the subject and the course. It presents evidence of search at least of one professional literature of the more recent nursing discipline (5 years or less of published) related to the subject and the course. It no presents evidence of search of professional literature of the more recent nursing discipline (5 years or less of published) related to the subject and the course. Student did not complete assignmen t and delivery in the period assigned. Not sloppy; very legible. Work is exemplary; has less than 2-3 spelling or grammatical errors. It does not use more than Not sloppy; very legible. Work is exemplary; has less than 4 - 5 spelling or grammatic al errors. Somewhat sloppy but can read some of the writing. Work consist of 6 to 10 spelling or grammatical errors. Use Very sloppy and illegible. Work contains of too many spelling or grammatical errors. Does not meet the criteria of number of pages of content to develop the task. Does not Student did not complete assignmen t and delivery in the period assigned. 40 possible points Content --/4 points In addition to textbook, evidence the search professional references related to the nursing discipline. Quality of Responses --/4 points Quality of work (Neatness) and relationship with the assigned task. Rubric Study Guide Rubric Excellent 4 points Very Good 3 points Satisfacto ry 2 points Deficient 1 point Not Present 0 points 30 pages of content to develop the task, following the rules of writing APA documents. Use more than 30 pages of content to develop the task, following the rules of writing APA documents . more than 30 pages of content to develop the task. It does not meet all the rules of writing APA documents. comply with the rules of writing APA documents. About 100% of the questions are correct. Very well thought out responses and include cite of author of the reference in APA. About 80% of the questions are correct. Fairly good thought out responses and include cite of author of the reference in APA. About 70% or more of the questions are correct. Little clear thought out responses and sometimes include cite of author of the reference in APA. Less than half of the questions are properly answered with little thought. Not incl ude cite of author of the reference in APA. The student did not answer the assigned question guide. Reflect critically in 15 sentences or more on the importance of the concepts raised in the guide for Reflect critically in 10 sentences or more on the importance of the concepts raised in the guide Reflect critically in 5 sentences or more on the importance of the concepts raised in the guide for Reflect critically in 4 sentences or less on the importance of the concepts raised in the guide for nursing discipline. It does not reflect. 40 possible points Accuracy --/4 points Answers to each questions of the guide is correct and well thought out. Reflection --/4 points Reflect critically in 15 sentences or more on the importance of the concepts raised in the guide for nursing discipline. Rubric Study Guide Rubric Excellent 4 points Very Good 3 points Satisfacto ry 2 points Deficient 1 point Not Present 0 points nursing discipline. for nursing discipline. nursing discipline. Identify implications for the practice of nursing discipline in 15 sentences or more. Providing always valid and verifiable arguments through scientific evidence. Identify implicatio ns for the practice of nursing discipline in 10 sentences or more. Providing almost always valid and verifiable arguments through scientific evidence. Identify implications for the practice of nursing discipline in 5 sentences or more. Providing sometimes valid and verifiable arguments through scientific evidence. Identify implications for the practice of nursing discipline in 5 sentences or less. It does not provide valid and verifiable arguments through scientific evidence. It does not identify implicatio ns for the practice of nursing. Make a critical, analytical and profound summary of the learning obtained in 15 sentences or more. Includes at least 3 citations of authors of updated nursing references that support Make a critical, analytical summary, but with less depth of learning obtained in 10 sentences or more. Include at least 2 contributio ns from authors of updated nursing Make a summary of learning obtained in 5 sentences or more. Include at least 1 contribution from authors of updated nursing references that support their approaches. Make a short summary of the learning obtained in less than 5 sentences. It does not include contributions from authors of updated nursing references that support their approaches. It does not include a summary of the learning obtained. It does not include contributio ns from authors of updated nursing references that support their 40 possible points Professionali sm --/4 points Identifies implications for the practice of nursing discipline. Conclusion --/4 points Summarize the learning obtained through the answers of the study guide. Rubric Study Guide Rubric Excellent 4 points Very Good 3 points their approaches. references that support their approaches . The student cites authors of recent references (5 years or less of published) related to the topic of the discussion forum, written according to the latest edition of APA. Sometimes the student cites authors of recent references (5 years or less of published) related to the topic of the discussion forum, written according to the latest edition of APA. Satisfacto ry 2 points Deficient 1 point Not Present 0 points 40 possible points References --/4 points approache s. On rare occasions the student cites authors of recent references (5 years or less of published) related to the topic of the discussion forum, written according to the latest edition of APA. The student never cites authors of recent references (5 years or less of published) related to the topic of the discussion forum, written according to the latest edition of APA. Does not include references in the task.
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Estudiar Guía # 7
Enfermería Cuidado en el proceso de muerte

Instrucciones: Después de leer detenidamente el tema "Loss and Grieving" en el
Capítulo 40 del libro de texto, páginas 1286-1310, responda cada una de las siguientes
1. Define los conceptos pérdida, duelo, duelo, duelo anticipado, agonía,
muerte y duelo disfuncional.
La pérdida se refiere a perder a alguien por muerte o por habilidades o rutinas
personales, como un trabajo. El dolor se refiere a la reacción que sigue a una pérdida. El
duelo es el proceso en el que las personas aceptan la pérdida y la adoptan. El duelo
anticipado implica la respuesta cuando se avecina una pérdida para un individuo debido
a una enfermedad terminal o noticias de despido en el lugar de trabajo. La agonía se
refiere a un intenso arrebato o manifestación de dolor, sufrimiento emocional o mental,
que por lo general precede a la muerte. La muerte es el cese permanente e irreversible
de la vida cuando todas las funciones biológicas de un individuo dejan de funcionar. El
duelo disfuncional se caracteriza por una reacción extrema a la pérdida sin aceptar la
pérdida, por lo que un individuo está extremadamente triste y con dolor.
2. Enumera y describe los tipos de pérdidas

La pérdida necesaria es el acto de perder parte de algo por un cambio positivo, por
ejemplo, casarse y dejar la propia familia para comenzar la propia. La pérdida real se refiere
a separarse de algo valioso o de una persona debido a la muerte o un daño irreversible. La

pérdida percibida es una pérdida única en la que la pérdida de la experiencia individual no es
evidente para los demás, como cuando uno se siente menos aceptado por los amigos. La
pérdida de maduración implica la pérdida de procesos vitales específicos debido al
desarrollo. La pérdida situacional implica pérdidas adicionales que surgen de eventos sin
precedentes, como perder un trabajo que conduce a la pérdida de ingresos y seguro.
3. Explica cuáles son los tipos de respuestas al duelo

El duelo normal es una reacción aceptable a la pérdida con resolución y recuperación.
El duelo anticipado es cuando la familia comienza a afligirse antes de la muerte después de
que su amado reciba la noticia de una enfermedad terminal, y su salud comienza a
deteriorarse. El duelo complicado implica el duelo, que se ha prolongado durante largos
períodos y afecta una capacidad física para realizar la función diaria. El duelo privado de
derechos consiste en cuando una persona experimenta una pérdida que es menos obvia para
otros que no reconocen la magnitud, como la pérdida de una mascota; de ahí que haya una
falta de apoyo socioemocional. Los duelos acumulativos involucran a alguien que sufre
múltiples pérdidas de cosas y personas valiosas en poco tiempo. El duelo retrasado implica
la negación de la pérdida real y el retraso en el inicio de la reacción ante ella, ocurre en
eventos como el divorcio.
4. Enumera y explica los modelos de perdida y duelo de Engel’s, Kubler- Ross,
Parkes’s y Demi’s.
El dolor y la pérdida pueden manifestarse, física, social y espiritualmente. Los
patrones comunes de duelo y pérdida incluyen llanto, dolores de cabeza, cuestionamiento de

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