Savannah State University The Adult World Stresses Discussion

User Generated



Savannah State University


1.The adult world stresses material and financial gain, social status and winning at any cost. Can children adjust to or understand this attitude? What values should adults communicate to children about these attitudes?

Your response should be a minimum of a five to seven sentence grammatically correct paragraph.
2.How much of an impact do you think violence on television and in the movies (fictional violence) has on aggressive behavior in youths?

Your response should be a minimum of a five to seven sentence grammatically correct paragraph.

3. What are the various types of child abuse? Which do you believe to be the most egregious? Support your answer.

Your response should be a minimum of a five to seven sentence grammatically correct paragraph.
4.The Adam Walsh Child protection act strives to protect kids from sex offenders by making them register in order to stay in the community. Do you think this works in protecting our children. Support your answer.

Your response should be a minimum of a five to seven sentence grammatically correct paragraph.

5.Explain the term thrownaway. What does this mean to you? Do you believe the U.S. addresses this problem? What can be done to assist these children?

Your response should be a minimum of a five to seven sentence grammatically correct paragraph.

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Explanation & Answer







1. The adult world stresses material and financial gain, social status and winning at
any cost. Can children adjust to or understand this attitude? What values should
adults communicate to children about these attitudes?
Children will understand and adjust to these attitudes that adults put on financial gains, social
status, material, and winning. Children will learn from adults and will tend to do replicate what
adults do. Children will adjust and understand these attitudes if adults pay considerable attention
to their children by teaching them values that can enable them adopt these attitudes. Children can
understand such attitudes if values such as love, recognition, and affection are communicated to
them by their parents. This is in consideration that such values can eliminate the feelings of
depression and frustrations. Proper communication between adults and children will enable
children to balance between education and income, and would also address issues such as stress,
depression, loneliness, and boredom. Children w...

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