MOS 2016: Microsoft Word Core Grader Project

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Houston Community College System


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From the North (Indianapolis): Take State Road 37 approximately 50 miles to the first Bloomington exit (Walnut St. / College Ave.). Take College Ave. south through seven stoplights to Kirkwood Ave. Turn left and continue until Kirkwood Ave. ends at Indiana Ave. Parking to the University will be on your left. University Alumni Fall Festival Come celebrate the fall season with other University alumni from the area. Enjoy complementary cider, beer and wine, light Hors d'oeuvres, and games for the entire family. When: Friday, October 17, 2016 Where: University Alumni Hall Time: 2:00pm – 9:00pm (EDT) RSVP To: Driving Directions: Grader - Instructions Word 2016 Project MOS W 77-726 1.3 Project Description: In this project, you will develop a promotional flyer for a University Alumni Fall Festival. To complete the project, you will change the document theme, import text from another file, convert text to WordArt, and more. This project covers the basic skills required for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam 77-726 for Microsoft Word 2016. Steps to Perform: Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start Word 2016. Open the UniversityFallFestival_start.docx and save the file as UniversityFallFestival_LastFirst, using your first and last names. 0 2 Apply the Droplet theme to the document. 5 3 Change the page color to Orange, Accent 4, Lighter 60%. 5 4 Increase the font size to 14pt for the entire document. Bold the four paragraphs beginning with the word When and ending with 5 5 Cut the text Time: 2:00pm – 9:00pm (EDT) and paste it under the text When: Friday, October 17, 2016. Remove any extra lines between the paragraphs. 5 6 Under the Driving Directions: text, import the text from the DrivingDirections.docx file. 8 7 On the blank line below the directions, type Or Use Bing Maps for directions from your location. (Include the period.) 5 8 Hyperlink the text Bing Maps to a web page using as the URL. 5 9 Apply the WordArt style Gradient Fill – Orange, Accent 5, Reflection to the University Alumni Fall Festival title and increase the font size to 48. 10 10 Insert a footnote, directly after the word wine in the second sentence. The footnote symbol should be an asterisk (*) and should state Alcohol served only to those 21 and older with a valid ID. (Include the period.) 10 11 Insert continuous section breaks at the end of the paragraph beginning with Enjoy complementary cider and on a blank line below the paragraph beginning with RSVP To. 8 12 Convert the four paragraphs beginning with When and ending with to a table with two columns and two rows. Format the table with a row height of 0.3” and no borders. 10 Created On: 02/05/2020 1 MOS W 77-726 1.3 Grader - Instructions Word 2016 Project Points Possible Step Instructions 13 Insert an additional paragraph above the table. Insert a Round Diagonal Corner Rectangle shape, positioned in the first blank paragraph about the table. Note: Depending on the version of Office you are using, the shape may be named Rectangle: Diagonal Rounded Corners. Adjust the size to be 1.7” tall and 6.5” wide. Apply Moderate Effect - Orange, Accent 4 and send the shape behind the text. 12 14 Modify the document properties to add University Alumni Association as the document author and Fall Festival as the document title. 6 15 Create a blank footer and insert the document property Author into the footer. 6 16 Save the file, close Word, and submit the file as directed. 0 Total Points Created On: 02/05/2020 2 100 MOS W 77-726 1.3
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