UODC Web 2 0 Behavior of Internet Users Discussion

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Computer Science

University of the District of Columbia


Our reading by Arinze and Ezema discusses Web 2.0. In our second discussion forum this week, please discuss how you think Web 2.0 has changed the behavior of Internet users. Do you feel the behavior change is for the good or are there disadvantages? Please discuss your thoughts on Web 2.0 including concepts of privacy and social media in a substantive, well-researched discussion thread.

.Post-1:Web 2.0 helped in deliberating reputable changes in the web companies' and developers' philosophy. Similarly, it has brought about a positive difference in the web-savvy society's philosophy entirely (Onete, Alb?stroiu & Dina, 2017). However, these changes have been observed in how the internet users manipulate the internet and the social functions, owing to that users in the current form of technology constitute sections of web 2.0. As a result, web 2.0 has marked an era where the internet users don't just manipulate the internet, but rather are becoming part of it. In the recent past, internet usage has been seen to escalate alongside the interaction parameters based on the capabilities provided by web 2.0. Resulting from this is a virtual drive to the social web (Onete et al., 2017). In this case, however, most of the websites' information is not only consumed but created by internet users. Much of the internet users' behavior has been noted to change due to the evolution of web 2.0 through the creation of a more interactive and responsive web. Notably, this is a version of the internet known to ease its utilization (Brengarth & Mujkic, 2016). The concept of information sharing has been accorded with excellent value for their characteristic proprietary information. Merits of Behavior Change from Web 2.0The behavior change from Web 2.0 is for the benefit of the users. The utilization of web 2.0 covers a wide range of technologies essential in social networking in most developed countries. Thus, this facilitates social networking among internet users, making communication effective through a complete virtual architecture (Brengarth & Mujkic, 2016). For instance, this creates a platform across which allows for the creation of delivery worldwide in the most developed countries.Post-2:Web 2.0 and the Internet Users’ Behavior:Web 2.0 era can be considered as a period of fundamental shift in how people used the Internet. The era represents a move towards a more collaborative, social, interactive, as well as a responsive web. This era marks the change in the philosophy of both web developers and companies and the web-savvy society in its entirety (Widyasari, Nugroho, & Permanasari, 2017). Hence, the term Web 2.0 describes a phase of World Wide Web (WWW) evolution that is characterized by dynamic webpages, XML and Java, multiple source data, social media, user communities, Mashup apps; broadband connectivity, as well as user-generated/controlled content.Web 2.0. marked the emergence of new technologies that dramatically improves people’s ability to interact with each other as well as businesses, share and find information, and form relationships. This is good because the idea of sharing information is highly valued the same way as the idea of proprietary information (Widyasari et al., 2017). The concept of open source is becoming a more significant factor even though it has been around for many years. Remarkably, the web link is becoming a new form of currency.Companies continue to leverage Web 2.0 and social networking sites for more than mere communication. They use the technology to exchange media, share documents, distribute and receive resumes, develop and share custom apps, and use social networks, among others. However much the interactivity is thrilling and inspiring, enterprises that use such sites face triple threat associated with Web 2.0 (Sherry, 2010). Such threats include productivity loss, data leaks vulnerabilities, and intrinsic security risks increase.

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Discussion: Web 2.0

Institution Affiliation

Web 2.0 refers to websites that allow consumers to input, contribute, and share
information through interaction, participation, and collaboration which is significantly different
from the earlier static versions of websites with read-only features. Examples include blogs,
wikis and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds. Social media is an innovative application of
Web 2.0 that allows users to choose their audience, create their content, comment on, share, and
like other users' content.
How Web 2.0 has changed the Behavior of Internet Users
First, applications of Web 2.0 such as social media sites have increased the tendency of
people to interact and forge new relationships....

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