China Belt & Road Initiative Video Response & Human Element of Risk Essay

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Business Finance


1.For this assignment, I'd like you to watch the videos posted on the main page about China's One Belt One Road Initiative. This is the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken and is currently employing thousands of project managers. During the videos, you will learn of a number of cultural challenges the PRC will face as it expands this project.

After watching the video, record your own video reaction and embed your response to this post. Video length must be at least 4 minutes.(and I need a speech draft which about 4 mins)

Video Reaction: I would like you to identify 2 specific cultures that the PRC will have to deal with and what your suggestions are for how they should deal with these cultures to maximize the outcome for both the PRC and the foreign culture. The foreign culture can be broad, for example Pakistan or can be more narrow, for example the native Uyghur's in PRC's Northwest region.

second forum requirement I upload inside the file

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1 RISKS Forum 2 Read the following short articles: Understanding the human element of risk Risk Shrink: The Human Element of Risk Again, consider one of the risks that you may have experienced on a project and describe your own perception of the risk addressing at least 5 of the elements presented in the articles. See the attached rubric for how this will be graded. Example: In 2007 I undertook the Coastal Storm Plan Training Project, a large-scale, multi-year project to train over 30,000 New York City staff in their responsibilities during an emergency response to a hurricane or coastal storm event, “standing up” and operating massive sheltering operation for more than 70,000 City residents. Risk- hurricane event takes place prior to full training and preparedness: • Culture – Residents in NYC have limited experience with hurricanes or storms. The last major storms prior to 2011 and 2012 was back in the 1960s and major storm in 1938. There was also a limited culture in preparedness. • Personality –My staff and I were very enthusiastic about the project and understood the need for the project and potential positive impact of preparedness. • Experiences – City staff also had limited experience with emergency preparedness training. Some were open to it, others less so. • Immediacy – The threat of a hurricane was very remote for most NYC citizens and staff; this, of course changed after the events of 2011-2012, but in 2007 the perception was that this was unlikely. • Imaginability – This event was hardly in the imagination of the NYC citizens and staff, as well as the scale of the logistics. The project staff were well aware of the scope of a hurricane event based on our cumulative experience although we did have limited experience with the logistics of “standing up” a massive sheltering operation. 2 RISKS • Media coverage – Prior to 2011 and 2012, there was very limited coverage of the potential for a hurricane event. That changed, of course, and was extensive in 2011 and 2012 Rubric
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Explanation & Answer

Hey Buddy; here is the work; Cheers. For Part A, I made a speech and reflection; here they are


Video Speech Draft
Student’s Name
Course and Course Code
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Date of Submission



Video Speech Draft
Creative attention-getting device:

Project initiatives are always at the heart of every nation for economic growth and
development. As such, the BR-Initiative has taken this route-course to facilitate the
expansion of trading networks globally.
Central idea:
During the videos provided, I learned that there are several cultural challenges the PRC
will face as it expands this project.
Relevance statement:
Therefore, it is crucial that the PRC to develop strategies that will significantly help to
deal with such cultural challenges.
Credibility Statement:
Cultures such as Zhuang and Manchu are considered to influence the project; as a
result, it’s the PRC initiative to know how to deal with them.
Therefore, if the project is going to succeed, not only does it need to foster a better
trading environment, but also dealing with such cultural challenges.
Main point 1
Generally, there are several suggestions that I would recommend for the PRC in dealing
with these cultures to maximize the outcome for both the PRC and the foreign culture.
For instance, by allowing them to take part in its bold and ambitious international trade
network initiative project will be one of the best approac...

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