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My teacher said “When you write your paper, you want it to be a mixture of YOUR OWN WRITING. And QUOTED INFORMATION to support your opinions and arguments. Watch for the different colors. My own writing will be in GREEN. The various quotes will be in BLUE and YELLOW” Write in High school level English, not college or university. The Energy Crisis One key advantage of water, sunlight, wind, or plants: They are everywhere, in essentially unlimited quantities. We need to find the best way to use these resources to their fullest. Will we run out of energy? We rely on coal, oil and gas (the fossil fuels) for over 80% of our current energy needs – a situation which shows little sign of changing over the medium-term without drastic policy changes. On top of this energy demand is expected to grow by almost half over the next two decades. Understandably this is causing some fear that our energy resources are starting to run out, with devastating consequences for the global economy and global quality of life. What we do now when EC happened. Intelligent Energy Is on the Way For our energy sources to be more efficient and effective, they hove to be more intelligent. In other words, everything that uses energy, as well as the energy grid itself, has to be able to "talk" to each other so that load and usage can be maximized. Alternative Energy Can Make a Difference Alternative energy such as wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric are on the rise yet are still often criticized because the big payoff from these energy sources is not apparent. This often brings up the question, "Is alternative energy worth it?" What can we do to solve problems? To avoid the impending collapse of the world economy and/or the destruction of civilization and the biosphere, we must quickly replace much of the “electrical energy from oil” heart of the crisis at great speed, and simultaneously replace a significant part of the “transportation using oil products” factor also. Such replacement by clean, nonpolluting electrical energy from the vacuum will also solve much of the present pollution of the biosphere by the products of hydrocarbon combustion. Not only does it solve the energy crisis, but it also solves much of the environmental pollution problem. Whats the pros of the Nano Enegry? The use of nanotechnology in medicine opens the door to many great possibilities. Applying nanotechnology in medicine could revolutionize the way we use medicine to treat disease and tissue damage. For example, nanobots could be injected into the bloodstream to help cells fight harmful microorganisms and cancer cells when the immune system isn’t working properly. Whats the cons? Due to the advancement in nanotechnology, scientists can now create nanobots to use for curing cancer and other “incurable” disease. However, in the wrong hands, these nanobots can be programmed to attack the systems of the body, including the brain.
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