PUB 610 NYU Wk7 Health Communication Intervention Opioid Crisis Essay

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Health Medical

PUB 610

New York University




Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Design a health communication intervention for a public health issue affecting your local community.

Create a 1,000-1,250 plan that includes the following:

  • Goal: Identify the overall communication intervention goal for your selected public health issue affecting your local community. This goal should serve as a brief description of the expected overall health improvement in mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence, or quality of life.
  • Objectives: Identify the specific social, behavioral, or organizational results supported by the overall goal that are expected by the intervention. Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, and Time-Bound).
  • Situation and Audience Analysis: Provide an overview of the factors that influence the health issue and the adoption of new behaviors. Be sure to include an audience profile.
  • Communication Objectives: Describe the changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills that lead to social, behavioral, or organizational changes that then support the overall intervention goal.
  • Communication Strategies: Describe the audience-specific communication actions to be taken to meet communication objectives. Articulate how and why you selected the communication strategies for your different audiences and sectors.
  • Action Plan: This should include a description of the communication messages, materials, activities, and channels that will be used. Describe key groups and stakeholders who will be involved and their roles and responsibilities. Address any potential barriers to implementation. Include a timeline for the implementation.
  • Budget: Prepare a line item budget for the resources needed to implement this intervention.

Incorporate SIX resources to support your plan.

In addition to your written paper, prepare a brief 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation of your proposed health communication intervention, including speaker notes.

General Requirements

You are required to cite at least SIX sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected as well, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct.

PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.

Read Chapters 12 and 13 in Health Communication: From Theory to Practice.

Read "Dimensions of Sustainability for a Health Communication Intervention in African American Churches: A Multi-Methods Study," by Scheirer, Santos, Tagai, Holt, Bowie, Slade, and Carter, from Implementation Science (2017).

Read "Community-Based Interventions to Enhance Knowledge, Protective Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Canine Rabies: Results From a Health Communication Intervention Study in Guangxi, China," by Wu et al., from BMC Infectious Diseases (2016).


Read "Theory Connections: A Theory-Based Computer Mediated Communication Intervention to Promote Mental Health and Reduce High-Risk Behaviors in the LGBT Population," by DiNapoli, Garcia-Dia, Garcia-Ona, O'Flaherty, and Siller, from Applied Nursing Research (2014).

Read "Promoting Health Communication and Empowerment: Intervention Towards Malaria Mosquito Control," by De Las Llagas and Portus, from International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society (2016).

Read "Community Engagement as a Process and an Outcome of Developing Culturally Grounded Health Communication Interventions: An Example From the DECIDE Project," by Palmer-Wackerly, Krok, Dailey, Kight, and Krieger, from American Journal of Community Psychology (2014).

Read the SBCC How-to-Guide, "How to Develop a Communication Strategy," located on the Health COMpass website.

Read Section 1 of Chapter 6 of the Community Tool Box, entitled "Developing a Plan for Communication," located on the Community Tool Box website.

MUST haveat least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.


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Explanation & Answer



Health Communication Intervention
First and foremost, health communication interventions or strategies entail written or
verbal plans that empower and influence people, populations, and societies to make healthier
decisions regarding their public health concerns (US Department of Health and Human Services,
Opioid Crisis Prevention and Cessation Program: “Spit It Out Program.”
Overall Goal of the Spit It Out Program
Objectives of the Spit It Out Program
Situation and Audience Analysis
Communication Objectives of Spit It Out Program
Communication Strategies of the Plan
Action Plan
Program Budget

Jenkins, E. L., Ilicic, J., Molenaar, A., Chin, S., & McCaffrey, T. A. (2020). Strategies to
Improve Health Communication: Can Health Professionals Be Heroes?. Nutrients, 12(6),

Kim, B., Nolan, S., & Ti, L. (2017). Addressing the prescription opioid crisis: potential for
hospital-based interventions?. Drug and alcohol review, 36(2), 149.

NYS HEALTH FOUNDATION (2016). Tackling the Opioid Crisis in New York State. New
York State Health Foundation.

RHIhub. (2016). Health Communication. Rural Health Information Hub.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). Strategy to combat opioid abuse, misuse,
and overdose: a framework based on the five-point strategy.

Willoughby, J. F., & Smith, H. (2016). Communication strategies and new media platforms:
exploring the synergistic potential of health and environmental communication. Science

Communication, 38(4), 535-545.



Health Communication Intervention

Institutional Affiliation
Course Title


Health Communication Intervention

First and foremost, health communication interventions or strategies entail written or
verbal plans that empower and influence people, populations, and societies to make healthier
decisions regarding their public health concerns (US Department of Health and Human Services,
2019). They often incorporate several models and theories that support positive changes in
behaviors and attitudes against such public health problems, like opioid overdose or addiction,
tobacco use, and others. Furthermore, they are linked with social marketing associated with
interventions and activities designed to constructively change behaviors (RHIhub, 2016). This
health communication intervention primarily focuses on one of the Opioid Crisis Prevention and
Cessation Programs branded as the “Spit It Out Program” within New York City.
Opioid Crisis Prevention and Cessation Program: “Spit It Out Program.”
Overall Goal of the Spit It Out Program
As my local community, New York City has been suffering the opioid epidemic
consequences. For example, since 2010, over 6,800 New Yorkers have died from an opioid drug
overdose. Addiction and its repercussions thus remain the battle that New York City is losing.
Due t...

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