MAN Florida International Business Apps and Software Executive Summary

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Business Finance

Florida International University



Executive Summary:

This Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review executive summary should be a 1 to 2 pages typed professional written executive summary in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.


Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report:

This document should be a typed professional written report in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.


Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Reviews Dropbox:


In JUST ONE Word Document:

  • Individual, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page


  • Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary


  • Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report


Word format


This WORD document must have in JUST ONE word file the following sections:

  • Individual Team, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page
  • Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.
  • Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.

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Explanation & Answer



Business Apps and Software
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Executive Summary

For any organization, Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software play a
tremendous role. For instance, they ensure that the firm reaches the objectives and goals it had set
up because it becomes possible to control how the organization generally performs hence
prospering in a very competitive market. As such, it is crucial for a company to effectively
implement virtual teams as this will help it improve its general performance, and this, in the long
run, will see the organization have increased sales volume and revenues. Realizing more revenues
means that the organization is in a better position to cater for more activities in the current
competitive market.
There has been a lot of diversification and complexity of business organizations in the
world today. The dynamic diversification and decentralization of entities have emerged due to the
realization of improved communication technology. Processes in workplaces have also become
more complex in strong organizations. This has triggered the need to establish an improved way
of communicating and that can help solve complex issues facing these organizations. Because of
improvement in communication technology, virtual teams have been adopted by most
organizations as they ensure space and time costs are eliminated and also promote the
competitiveness of such organizations in the current competitive market. It is worth noting that
virtual teams are those groups of persons and sub-teams who interact through interdependent tasks
and are guided by the same goal, and work across links is made strong by information technology
and transport technologies. These virtual teams operate through the use of business software apps
like Skype App and Dropbox software. The creation of these software business Apps has been
triggered by the dramatic growth of information technology in the world.
The application of these business Apps and Software helps workers work eff...

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