For your topic paper, you are going to write 750 words about potential topics for your research paper. The research paper is the most important assignment for this course, so you will need to think very carefully about your topic and how you want to present it. For this essay, you will write about at least two possibilities for your final paper. You will need to gather potential sources and write about how they could help you in the final paper. You will need to write about the pros and cons of this topic. What do you think you're going to find after you research the issue more? Do you think you'll change your mind? What are some difficulties when it comes to writing about this topic? You need to have at least two topics because I will be helping you choose one for your final paper when I review and grade the assignment. As far as your topics, that is completely up to you. As long as you are writing about something in the medical or nursing field and can write 2,000 words about that topic for your final paper, you have absolute control over your topic.
- APA formatting
- cover page
- no abstract required
- Times New Roman, 12 point font
- double spacing
- reference page with all potential sources listed
- at least 750 words
- cover two topics for your research paper
- absolutely NO PLAGIARISM
- submitted through Canvas, not email or Google drive share
- no late work accepted
For your topic assignment, you will need to write at least 500 words in APA formatting about what you plan to do for the final paper. What sources have you found so far? What do you think your main argument is going to be? What plan do you have in place so far for writing the paper? How will you organize your time to make sure you don't procrastinate?
- APA formatting
- cover page
- no abstract required
- Times New Roman, 12 point font
- double spacing
- reference page with potential sources listed
- at least 500 words
- focus on the main topic for your research paper
- absolutely NO PLAGIARISM
Topic Paper Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Adherence to Assignment Student must follow all instructions for the assignment including guidelines on content, word count, and formatting. |
| 30.0 pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA FormattingStudent must use APA formatting for the overall look of their document as well as using formatting guidelines for citations. |
| 20.0 pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentThe student must create quality content that clearly describes both possible topic ideas. The student will discuss each topic in great detail and show that they did reading and research on each of the topics. The student will clearly exhibit that they are familiar with the topics they are discussing. |
| 30.0 pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and SpellingThis section does not account for individual errors. This is just a guideline to show the student what they should aim for while writing their essay. |
| 5.0 pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice and StyleFor this essay, the student can use personal pronouns, but they must still maintain a professional and academic voice. They cannot write informally or as they would for a journal entry. The writing must be serious and formal. The student cannot use the personal pronoun "you." |
Explanation & Answer
Misdiagnosis and Polypharmacy
Misdiagnosis and Polypharmacy
Misdiagnosis and Polypharmacy
The two topics i want to research are the causes and management of misdiagnosis and the
impacts of polypharmacy in elderly persons. The topic of the causes and management of misdiagnosis
will assess the causes of misdiagnosis and the management tools and resources available to manage the
error. This is in consideration that misdiagnosis accounts for many deaths and health conditions that
cannot be underestimated.
Wilton, L., Thornhill, A., Traeger-Synodinos, J., Sermon, K. D., & Harper, J. C. (2019). The causes of
misdiagnosis and adverse outcomes in PGD. Human Reproduction, 24(5), 1221-1228.
This resource will be important in the assessment of the concept of misdiagnosis, the possible causes of
misdiagnosis, and how it can be managed. The article highlights key factors that lead or facilitate
misdiagnosis and how it can be managed.
World Health Organization. (2016). Diagnostic errors.;jsessionid=68F3C7B81DDE31EA08F07F5C8D997F7D?sequence=1
The report by WHO on diagnostic errors gr...