KHP 3310 Troy University Food Management Project Questions

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KHP 3310

Troy University



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Explanation & Answer


Food Management Project

Introduction to Food Science
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________
Title: Food Management Project
Purpose: to provide an opportunity for the participant to correctly demonstrate how to price,
scale, and prepare a recipe as well as an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to complete a
production report.
Materials: volunteer subject, measuring spoons, baking dish, measuring cup, dial thermometer,
standard kitchen, recipe ingredients, calculator, camera.
Methods: After reading the text and viewing the PowerPoint presentation regarding scaling
recipes, pricing recipes, and production sheets, complete the following tables and questions.
Project must be correctly written, showing all calculations for credit. The write-up must be
accompanied with clear images providing proof the project has been done and photos must
include the student completing the processes. The first picture must include the subject with
the ingredients prior to preparation. The second picture must include the ingredients in baking
dish before baking process begins. The third picture should include the subject with completed
dish. Participants should keep in mind that the price paid for items at the store should be
kept as it will be needed for this project. It is also recommended to write the price per pound
or price per ounce for ingredient measured by such (usually on the shelf tab at the store).
Make a copy of the receipt.
Instructions: You will begin by scaling the ingredients listed below to four servings. To do this
you will need to find a conversion factor. Examples are listed in the provided PowerPoint.
Write out your conversion factor and calculations. Complete the table below with the newly
adjusted amounts. You will then need to purchase the adjusted amount of ingredients to
complete the rest of the project. T...

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