ISU Calculus Questions

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Indiana State University


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13x + 6y - 5z = 36 叫四。 294 Question 8 4 pts Find the arc length of the curve r(t) = 2t i +et j+2e tk from t = 0 to t = 1. 2 e- e е O 2 et е 3 O 2 et À et e O 2 +1 e е e Question 9 4 nts Il is sharing your screen. Stop sharing Hide IM o Honorlock Browser Guard lije UF Question 10 4 pts FLORIDA Find the curvature kat t = 1 for the curve r(t) = (ln(t), 2t, 5) O 1 5 PRO ODD 1 294 575 ? 1 O 15 0 2 V5 o 2 575 Question 11 4 pts Let C be a smooth curve represented by r(t) with Î' (t) + 7, and let Î, ÊN, and ß be the unit tangent vector, principal unit normal vector, and unit binormal vector of the curve C respectively. Calculate A T. (5 T +BXN) o 4 O 2 O 5 5 Il is sharing your screen. Hide Stop sharing - Honorlock Browser Guard™ lyje 0 1 V5 28 0 2 V5 O 2 294 5/5 ? Question 11 4 pts Let C be a smooth curve represented by r(t) with i' (t) + 7, and let Î, ÊN, and be the unit tangent vector, principal unit normal vector, and unit binormal vector of the curve C respectively. Calculate T (5 1+B xN) = 0 4 02 ws O 5 0 1 O 3 Math answer input instructions for fill- Il is sharing your screen. Stop sharing Hide - Honorlock Browser Guard™ ly
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r’ = 2i+e^t j -2e^-tk


𝑙 = ...

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